Will CORPORATION - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

Will CORPORATION. Anal. Chem. , 1958, 30 (3), pp 36A–36A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60135a733. Publication Date: March 1958. ACS Legacy Archive. Cite this:Anal...
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NEWS rated from tungsten and technetium from molybdenum. Concentration of Microelements in Natural Waters by Isolation with Sink­ ing Ionite or Metal Particles. V. B. ALESKOVSKY AND S. L. DOBYCHIN.

Sorbing micro quantities of silver, zinc, and strontium by sinking cationite (Vofatite KS) particles in the presence of macro quantities of other elements has been investigated. T h e process of cementing micro quantities of zinc and silver by metal particles has been stud­ ied. Methods have been developed for concentrating lead, copper, cadmium, and zinc from natural waters.

Electrolytic Isolation of Rare Earth Radioactive Isotopes. A. G. SAMARTSEVA.

A method for quantitative electro­ lytic isolation of La140, Ce14°, Pr140, Ηο1ββ, and Lu17V from nitric, hydrochloric, sul­ furic, perchloric, and oxalic acid solutions can be used for isolating these isotopes without a carrier and for their analytical determination. Coprecipitation of Some Elements in Low Concentrations with Metal Hy­ droxides. YtJ. V. MOEACHEVSKY AND Α. Ι. Νονικον. Coprecipitation of Sr, La, Ce, Y, R e , Ga, Zr, Ru, and I n with ferric hydroxide

lias been investigated as well as Sr, La, Ce, and Y with aluminum, beryllium, and titanium hydroxides. T h e condi­ tions permit varying widely the degree of coprecipitation. Coprecipitation of Gallium, Indium, and Thallium with Calcium Phosphate. YTJ. V . MoRACHEVSKY AND V . N . Z.AITSEV.

Factors influencing the coprecipitation of gallium, indium, and thallium with calcium phosphate have been studied. Because of difference in coprecipitation conditions, these elements can be sepa­ rated quantitatively. Coprecipitation of Zirconium with Cerous Oxalate in a Nitric Acid Me­ dium.


Factors influencing the coprecipitation of zirconium with cerous oxalate have been investigated. Conditions have been found under which the smallest quanti­ ties of zirconium are carried down with the precipitate. Distribution of Lead and Bismuth Isotopes between Solution and Sodium Chloride Crystals. M . S. MERKULOVA,

going α




The different nature of lead and bis­ muth distribution between the solution and the sodium chloride precipitate per­ mits separating isotopes of these ele­ ments. Several variants of the method of separation have been suggested. Carbonate Method for Separating Micro Quantities of Uranium from Ap­ preciable Quantities of Iron. I. E . STARTK, F . E. STARIK, A. X. AiOL-

laboratory Apparatus



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Small quantities of uranium can be completely separated from appreciable quantities of iron by use of ammonium carbonate and sodium bicarbonate as precipitators. A method has been worked out for separating 1CTS to 1CTS gram of uranium from considerable amounts of iron. Precipitation Conditions in Triple Systems: Basic Dye-Metal-Halide (Rhodanide). MARCHENKO.


Conditions have been investigated for precipitating triple compounds formed by anion halide and rhodanide zinc and cadmium complexes with methyl violet, Malachite green, methylene blue, rhodamine B, and auramine. The influence of acidity and addendum concentration has been investigated, and the sensitivity of reactions has been estimated. Isolation of Uranium from Sea Waters with Organic Coprecipitants. K. I. KTJZNETSOV AND T . G. AKIMOVA.

A method for concentrating uranium from sea water is based on coprecipita­ tion of uranium thiocyanate complex with the methyl violet thiocyanate pre­ cipitate. Coprecipitation of Gallium with Or­ ganic Coprecipitants. K. I. KTJZNETSOV AND G. V. MYASOEDOVA.

Gallium is concentrated from diluted solutions by coprecipitation with the precipitate of p-dimethylamineazobenzene hydrochloride.