MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE phase contrast objective of medium power equipped with a cooling device. In determining melting points, tempera tures are measured by use of test sub stances of known melting points. 19 Electroanalysis Apparatus A single-position electroanalyzer has been designed by Eberbach Corp. for use in laboratories where a limited num ber of quantitative metal analyses are made or for demonstration purposes. Determinations involving stationary electrodes or a rotating anode can be performed. The apparatus consists of four inde pendent elements: an electrode holder and cell support, a d.c. power supply delivering 1 to 5 amperes, a stirrer operating at fixed speeds of 500, 750, or 1000 r.p.m., and a heavy duty support with clamps for mounting the stirrer and electrode holder. When no analyses are in process, support, power supply, and stirrer can be used elsewhere in the laboratory. 20
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MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Gas Analyzers. Folder of 4 pages de scribes operation and applications of industrial gas analyzers for thermal con ductivity measurements. Charles Engelhard, Inc. 21 Flexibility Tester. Two-page sheet de scribes flexibility tester for organic finishes and its application. Gardner Laboratory, Inc. (Bull. IBS). 22 Electrolytic Conductivity Indicators. Four-page data sheet describes use and lists operating features of portable indi cators for electrolytic conductivity meas urements in plant or laboratory. Leeds & Northrup Co. (Data Sheet E-95[l\). 23 Electrophoresis Apparatus. Eightpage brochure describes electrophoresis techniques and a compact electrophore sis instrument that utilizes a Land camera for making finished pattern prints in 60 seconds. The PerkinElmer Corp. (Model 38-A). 24 Electrophoresis Apparatus. Folder of 4 pages describes features of a paper strip electrophoresis apparatus fabri cated from clear, transparent methacrylate plastic. Standard Scientific Sup ply Corp. (Wurm-Standard Apparatus). 25 Polarographic Measurements. Twopage data sheet describes calibrating unit and other equipment for manual For further information, see coupon on page 45 A VOLUME
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