Will Ross, Inc

When it comes to erotic or difficult gas mixtures, the word around the industry is "go ask Matheson." When you ask; you get answers. Each. Matheson di...
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On γ one company considers all requests for ^xotic or difficult gas mixtures When it comes t o e r o t i c or difficult gas mixtures, the w o r d around the industry is " g o ask Matheson." When you ask; you get answers. Each Matheson distribution point is staffed w i t h technical e x p e r t s . . . e q u i p p e d w i t h a laboratory having t h e instrumentation necessary to analyze gas mixtures. If necessary, a Matheson Technical Representative w i l l come t o you and answer yoijjr questions. M i x t u r e s once Considered difficult, such as 0.1 ppm sulfur d i o x i d e in nitrogen or 2 ppm nitriq o x i d e in nitrogen, a r e n o w routinely prepared for standards in ajr pollution analyses. A n o t h e r e x a m p l e of Matheson's continuing leadership in the preparation and , analysis of gas^ mixtures. So w h e n in doubt, ask Matheson. It's w h e r e the buck stops. .^K


MATHESON GAS PRODUCTS A Divtsion c|>f Will R o s s , Inc.

East Rutherford, Nj.J.; Cucamonga, Calif.; Gloucester,| Mass.;| Joliet, III.; LaPorte, Texas; Morrow, Gcju; Newark, Calif.; Whitby, Ont.

Write us for answers to jyour problems on Gas Mixtures. Adpress:; Matheson Gas Products, P.O. Box 85, East feuthertard, N.J. 07073

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