Will Scientific, Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - Will Scientific, Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36 (2), pp 167A–167A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60208a860. Publication Date: February 1964. ACS Legacy...
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The pH meters shown are designed to cover most requirements f o r pH meas­ urements. The # 7 4 0 1 at bottom cov­ ers a wide variety of applications in re­ search and development work and quality control applications. The # 7 4 0 5 at top has an expanded scale to meet the exacting requirements of many chemical and pharmaceutical uses. Leeds & Northrup Co., 4 9 0 1 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia 4 4 , Pa.


Relaxed Spectrophotometry.. from Will

For years you've craned your neck, groped for dials, flipped shutters, jockeyed phototubes, fussed with lamps and attachments . . . N O W y o u c a n sit back a n d relax . . . literally . . . with this outstanding H I T A C H I P E R K I N - E L M E R Spectrophotometer . . . t h e model 139. Here's why: All controls are zoned together, comfortably operated from a seated position . . . a n d t h e meter can be read directly from the same position! C h e c k t h e s e o t h e r design f e a t u r e s : 1. Linear Wavelength is accurate t o and graduated t o 0.5 millimicrons over the entire range. 2. Shutter automatically closes when you open t h e cell compartment. 3. O N E cell holder accepts three cell sizes . . . 5, 10 a n d 20mm p a t h lengths. 4. O N E phototube covers the entire range . . . 195-800ηιμ. 5. Hydrogen or Tungsten light sources are changed a t t h e flip of a switch. 6. Three-position sensitivity switch enhances readability of strongly absorbent samples. Performance?

. . . comparable with t h e best!

Wavelength Reproducibility 195-800ηιμ range.

. . . better t h a n Ο.ίπιμ over t h e entire

Photometric Reproducibility

The Chromomax II process stream analyzer shown consists basically of two components—a Speedomax H multi-point recorder and a pro­ grammer-analyzer. Among t h e fea­ tures are a new dot, short-dash, longdash readout; a quick preliminary profile of every component in the proc­ ess stream—repeatable at will; and instant selection of the three com­ ponents of interest at the flick of a switch. Leeds & Noithrup Co., 4 9 3 4 Stenton Ave., Philadelphia 4 4 , Pa.


. . . better t h a n 0 . 1 % . And all this for only $2,300. Servicing? . . . b u y it from Will a n d you have no problem! You'll have t h e benefit of our 20 years' spectrophotometer experience . . . in installation, service a n d maintenance. And you're always protected b y our exclusive double guarantee . . . t h e manufacturer's warranty and Will's unconditional guarantee of satisfaction. Ask us for literature . . . or a demonstration.

Scientific, Inc. and


Rochester 3, Ν. Υ. · Baltimore 24, Md. · New York 52, Ν. Υ. Atlanta 25, Ga. · Buffalo 5, N. Y. · So. Charleston 9, W. Va. Circle No. 62 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 36, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 1964 ·

167 A