will solve your dehydration problem - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

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One of these three Activated

Alcoa® Activated Alumina F-1 dries to lower dew points than any other commercial desiccant. In fact -140°F (measured) and -200°F (estimated from downstream process condi­ tions) have been obtained in commercial operations. It is nontoxic; it is inert chemi­ cally to most gases and vapors; it will not soften, swell or disintegrate in water; it can be reactivated indefinitely without substan­ tial loss of original sorptive capacity.

Alcoa AluminaGel

We call Alcoa Alumina-Gel the near-perfect desiccant, superior to anything available to­ day for all types of absorption and hydro­ carbon recovery. With high sustained capac­ ity—up to 28 per cent at 60 per cent R.H.—it is used to dry liquids, gases at high pressures, or wherever maximum adsorption is needed under isothermal conditions. It has excep­ tional stability, high crushing strength, low abrasion loss and low bed-pressure drop.

Split-bed combination

If you need both high capacity and low dew points, combine 1 and 2 (above) for limitless split-bed versatility. We'll help you determine the precise ratio. • Let's get at your problem. First step is to fill out our Gas and Liquid Dehydration Questionnaire. For a copy, please write A d ­ sorption Service Center, Aluminum Company of America, 805-G Alcoa Building, Pitts­ burgh, Pennsylvania 15219.

Alcoa Alumina

will solve your dehydration problem

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