William J. Hacker & Co., Inc. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 22, 2012 - William J. Hacker & Co., Inc. Anal. Chem. , 1967, 39 (14), pp 119A–119A. DOI: 10.1021/ac50157a824. Publication Date: December 1967...
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The Finest Oils, Greases, Waxes... for High Vacuum Work—also Lubricant for High Vacuum Equipment, Masking of Circuit Boards and Other Scientific Applications

Model M-6800, a bench-type Micro Analyzer for amino acids, features a built-in buffer change system and a modern cabinet, restyled for easier frontal access to the columns and greater convenience of operation. It is capable of providing fully automatic, high-speed chromatography data. Phoenix Precision Instrument Co., 3803 N. Fifth St., Phila., Pa. 19140 416

Vacuum pressures of these excellent oils are as low as 1 0 7 torr. Greases as low as 10" 1 1 torr at room tem­ perature. Scientists, who try Apiezon oils, prefer them for equipment used in nuclear physics, cyclotrons, elec­ trical equipment, vacuum tubes, etc.; the greases for general laboratory work and gas-liquid chromatogra­ phy; wax W with suitable solvent as a masking media. As exclusive distributor in the United States, we offer immediate shipment from stock on the complete range of Apiezon products. For applications, working characteristics, and list prices, write for new Bulletin 43-AC. Der/t. AC

J A M E S G. B I D D L E CO. Eivclnc.d .ind Speed Measuring; Instruments


Frequency M e t e r Model 6122 provides direct counting to 100 M H z without prescaling tech­ niques, a 6-digit solid-state display (7 and 8 digits optional), high-speed SCR drive, and maximum ease of operation. The all solid-state frequency counter monitors the entire range of A M and most F M and T V frequencies. Time base oscillators w i t h 30 minute warmup characteristics and aging rates of less than 5 parts i n 10~10 per day are available. Beckman Instruments, Inc., 2200 Wright Ave., Richmond, Calif. Θ4804 417 Aluminum Oxide Sensor The water content of liquid hydro­ carbons can be measured directly i n an automatic and continuous fashion w i t h the aluminum oxide sensor. The probe measures the vapor pressure exerted by water i n the solvent which is related to the absolute water content by applica­ tion of Henry's law. Measurements can be made from saturation levels to as low as 10 - 5 p p m i n either a flow system or under static conditions. The small size of the sensor makes i t ideal for insertion into sealed systems elim­ inating all requirements for piping, flow, or sampling equipment. The liquid sensor is completely compatible w i t h the Model 1000 Hygrometer used for measurement of the water content of gases. Panametrics Inc., 221 Crescent St., Waltham, Mass. 02154 418


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Circle No. 25 on Readers' Service Card




Determine molecular weights, eutectic temperatures, identify and evaluate purity of substances using . . . KOFLER MICRO METHODS AND THERMAL APPARATUS


Kotii-r Hot Bench Ran e +50° to +260°C A'.w.'acy ±1°C


Kotier Hot and Cnid Stages and "Thdimopan" Microscope R.m ·Λ — 50° to +350°C


William J. Hacker & Co., Inc.

Box 646, West Caldwell, New Jersey 07006 (201) 226-8450· Circle No. 42 on Readers' Service Card

VOL. 39, NO. 14, DECEMBER 1967


119 A