Black Iron Oxides made by Williams for just this purpose. Both produce tough ... For further information, circle number 28 A on Readers' Service Card,...
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ticularly effective in indicating pip­ ing changes. T h e engineer, instead of preparing complex blueprints, merely marks the desired changes on a transparent overlay placed over a p h o t o g r a p h of the existing piping. This method can be cheaper, faster, a n d easier t h a n making complete engineering drawings. It's espe­ cially recommended where the j o b must be t u r n e d over to unskilled workers w h o might boggle at reading blueprints. I n all phases of research, analysis, a n d production in the chemical in­ dustry, the c a m e r a is making its i m p a c t felt. Although m a n y in­ dustrial uses for photography have come to the fore only within the past few years, others are as impor­ t a n t today as they were decades ago. T h e n as now, the c a m e r a is provid­ ing for a presumably grateful pos­ terity e n d u r i n g images of the plant a n d of those merry-making guests at the a n n u a l c o m p a n y banquet. H.J.S.

How to put greater

PROTECT-ABILITY in your Metal Protective Paints Your customers demand the greatest ability

in paints they use for

bridges, railway



signals, w a t e r towers, fire

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ment including metal furniture. G i v e it to them!

Ozone for Oxidation

Two Pure Black Iron Oxides Try formulating with either of these two Pure Black Iron Oxides made by Williams f o r just this purpose. Both produce tough, non-porous, elastic films o f high protect-ability.


Used in combination with either zinc

chromate or r e d l e a d , they can be formulated to give metal protective paints o f exceedingly long life.

O u t l o o k is bright and getting brighter as a d v a n ­ tages begin to outweigh problems


ZONE, t h a t scarce allotropie form of oxygen, is receiving lots of attention lately as an industrial oxidant. It's extremely powerful— second only to fluorine in oxidationreduction potential—although this advantage is also one of ozone's big handicaps. Ozone is the air all a r o u n d us. I n m i n u t e quantities, it can purify air by destroying odors a n d bacteria. But even a t 1 p.p.m., ozone be­ comes obnoxious, causing eye a n d throat irritation. And just a little more in a test t u b e could start a violent reaction. But despite a n d because of its activity, ozone is finding a place in industry. Emery Industries in Cincinnati uses ozone to oxidize oleic acid to azelaic a n d pelargonic acids. A r m o u r has a pilot process

O For samples, ask your Williams representative or write us today for complete technical information. Address Dept. 2, G Κ. Williams & Co., Easton, Pa.




C . K . W I L L I A M S & C O . · E a s t o n , P a . · East S t . L o u i s , I I I . ·


108 Shades & Types of I r o n O x i d e P i g m e n t s , C h r o m i u m Oxides & Hydrates For further information, circle number 28 A on Readers' Service Card, page IIS A 28 A