multipliers, n u c l e a r scalers, a n d o t h e r meters. (Cat. C-703) Dept. IEC, Berkeley Div., Beckman Instruments, 2200 Wright Ave., Richmond 3, Calif.
MANUFACTURERS' LITERATURE Acetophenone. T y p i c a l reactions of a c e t o p h e n o n e is one of m a n y items in this 8-page technical bulletin w h i c h includes properties, specifica tions, solubilities, a n d descriptions of its use in d r u g a n d resin m a n u facturing processes. A n excellent solvent for m a n y g u m s , resins, d y e stuffs, a n d high-melting aromatics, it can be used as a process solvent u n d e r oxidizing as well as r e d u c i n g conditions, a n d as a c h e m i c a l inter m e d i a t e . C o m p o u n d s formed in its reactions are useful as resins, p h a r m a ceuticals, corrosion inhibitors, a n d dyestuffs. (Bull. F-6970), Dept. IEC, Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Corp., 30 East 42nd St., New York 77, Ν. Y. 25 Automatic Equipment. Newly d e veloped systems for d a t a h a n d l i n g , in dustrial m e a s u r i n g a n d recording, a n d process control a r e described in catalog which includes description of c o m p u t e r s , amplifiers, electronic
Castings. Design d a t a developed over a ten-year period are outlined in this 40-page booklet c o n t a i n i n g typi cal physical, m e c h a n i c a l , a n d c h e m i cal properties of 26 investment-cast ing alloys selected from 300 tested. Dept. IEC, Haynes Stellite Co., 30-20 Thomson Ave., Long Island City, Ν. Υ. 27 Coal Chemicals. 23-minute sound color m o t i o n p i c t u r e illustrates t h e recovery of basic chemicals from formerly-wasted materials given off in coke-making processes. A n i m a t e d flow charts illustrate b o t h recovery processes a n d conversions. Dept. IEC, United States Steel Corp., 525 William Penn PL, Pittsburgh 30, Pa. 28 Cooling Towers. Full line of heavyd u t y cooling towers is described in 12-page catalog. Construction a n d c o m p o n e n t s of e a c h are detailed, a n d g r a p h i c selection d a t a is included.
Dye Carrier. Recently developed nonspotting d y e carrier for D a c r o n is described in bulletin which includes the m e c h a n i s m of fast dyeing, a n d formulations for dyeing D a c r o n a n d its blends with n a t u r a l a n d o t h e r synthetic fibers. Dept. IEC, Tanatex Corp., Bulleville Turnpike, Kearny, N. J. 31 Electrochemicals. P r o d u c t bulletins on chlorates, perchlorates, a n d m a n continued on page
W i l m a d Precision Bore Stirrers have been acclaimed time and again as the "ultimate" in glass ware craftsmanship. Rods and bearings fit to a closer tolerance than was ever believed possible. All stirrers, bearings, rods and blades are interchangeable and we stock them in a complete line of Stan d a r d Taper and Spherical Joints for all sizes of flasks. You can find just the stirrer you need in the variety of styles we manufacture to meet every laboratory need. Send for de tailed information today.
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W h e n you need PRECISION glassware — specify W I L M A D ! Circle No. 118 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 119 A
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Cyclohexanone. Comprehensive d a t a on this chemical is contained in a 32-page bulletin, over half of w h i c h is devoted to physical a n d chemical properties, including a c o m p l e t e description of p r i n c i p a l reactions. Seven pages list sugges ted uses in such applications as p a i n t remover, plasticizer, adhesive, in secticide solvent, a n d synthetic resin. Detailed bibliography lists 178 refer ences. (Bull. 1-19) Dept. IEC, Na tional Aniline Div., 40 Rector St., New York 6, Ν. Υ. 30
Liquids · Gases · Slurries
2615 29
Dept. IEC, Baltimore Aircoil Co., Mathews St., Baltimore 18, Md.
W r i t e for C a t a l o g
d e p e n d i n g on size of p u m p a n d accessory e q u i p m e n t r e q u i r e d .
Circle No. 118 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 119 A
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