Wine Production Technology in the United States - Analytical

May 25, 2012 - Wine Production Technology in the United States. Anal. Chem. , 1981, 53 (6), pp 732A–732A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00229a782. Publication Date...
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Wine Production Technology in the United States

RS-232-C includes a data logger and terminal for two-way communication between the company's 1090 Thermal Analyzer and nearly any computer or terminal. The RS-232-C permits tests to be run directly from the keyboard of the thermal analyzer or remotely from a computer. Meanwhile, information can be sent from the 1090 to an external computer in a wide range of data rates and formats. Data transmission can be started or stopped on demand. Du Pont



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Microfuge 11(11 600 g/13 250 rpm) and Microfuge 12(12 200 g/12 200 rpm) offer variable speed control, an automatic reset timer, and rotor imbal­ ance protection. Microfuge 12 holds 60 1.5-mL or 1.8-mL tubes; up to 72 5 0 0 - μ ί or 600-μί tubes; and up to 84 250-AtL or 4 0 0 - μ ί tubes. Microfuge 11 holds 18 1.5-mL, 1.8-mL or 500-μί tubes; 30 600-μί tubes; and 48 250-μί or 4 0 0 - μ ί tubes. Both include a "feed­ back" speed control system that com­ pensates for fluctuations in line voltage or the number of tubes being run. Beckman 417

Electrochemical Detector for C N - and S 2 ~ The electrochemical detector deter­ mines C N - and S 2 _ at ppb levels. Other electrochemically active species detectable by the instrument are Br - , Γ , SCN~, S 2 0 3 ~ , mercaptans, phenols, and aromatic amines. The detector can be used with all company ion chromatographs, Autolon systems, and liquid chromatographs. Dionex 419

ACS Symposium Series No. 145 Maynard A. Amerine, Editor Wine Institute A symposium sponsored by the Division of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry of the American Chemical Society. Appealing blend of technical and general-interest information for any­ one interested in wine production and wine. In this book, the history and current tech­ nology of American wine production is discussed by leaders in the wine industry. The readerfollows the grape from the vine through the harvesting, crushing, pres­ sing, fermenting, clarifying, stabilizing, aging, and bottling processes. Advan­ tages and disadvantages of processing options are discussed for each step. State-of-the-art production methods of white, red, and rose table wines, sparkling wines, sherry, and dessert wines are pre­ sented in detail for California, Washington State, and the East. Makes fascinating reading for chemists, enologists, viticulturalists and for the growing number of home winemakers. CONTENTS

Four-Solvent/Graphics Display Module for LC The system includes the company's se­ ries 8800 LC three-piston pump mod­ ule, programming capabilities for the system's gradient controller, and a graphics display module. Programming capabilities enable production of foursolvent gradients, using prepro­ grammed linear and exponential shapes in separate gradient segments with du­ rations up to 99.9 min. Seven gradient methods can be stored in the control­ ler's memory to optimize gradient pro­ files in succeeding experiments. Changes required to incorporate foursolvent capability into existing series 8800 HPLC gradient systems can be done in the field. Du Pont 421


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