Wing-Tack resin adds more of everything to hot melt adhesives and coatings··· except color UseWing-Tack95,Goodyear's light-colored modifying and tackify ing resin Color stability
You can reduce color degradation with WINGTACK® 95. Table below shows the color stability of WlNG-TACK compared with competitive resins.
With melt viscosities under 100 cps for a blend of WING-TACK 95 and polyethylene, you can see that handling is a lot easier. Check figure below: Temperature vs Viscosity in Wing-Tack Hot Melts
Time and Gardner Color Units
• 50/50 • 50/50 70/30 30/70
Wing-Tack & Polyethylene plus 10 pts. Safflower Oil Wing-Tack & Polyethylene Wing-Tack & Polyethylene
Decrees Fahrenheit
WING-TACK 95 compiles with F.D.A.
Regulations 121.2520 and 121.2562 for adhesives and rubber goods respectively.
Fast-set eliminates squeeze out, speeds production.
Good cold resistance for frozen food packages.
Better tack for new high speed packaging systems.
S U | N ^ W adhesion ^^^^Ittimfoil.
Tack Adhesion to paperboard and giassine with WINGTACK 95 is equivalent to that of ethylene-vinyl acetate. Adhesion to aluminum foil is definitely superior.
Compatibility 95 is compatible with a broad range of basic resins, waxes and oils.
Heat stability We tested WING-TACK 95 against competitive resins: blended with a small amount of PLIOFLEX® SBR 1006 and dissolved in hexane. Thin films of resin and rubber were cast on steel plates and aged at 158° F After 7 weeks, films with competitive resins cracked noticeably. Films with WING-TACK 95 still hadn't cracked after 9 weeks. For more information fill out and mail the coupon.
Goodyear Chemical Data Center, Dept.G-16, Box9115, Akron, Ohio 44305 Please send data and samples of WING-TACK® 95. __ FIRM ADDRESS CITY