WITCO gives prompt delivery from eight plants - C&EN Global

Nov 5, 2010 - ... for Cancer Therapy — and More! This week: Immunomodulating nanomedicine for cancer therapy — and more! Each and every day, ...
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gives prompt delivery from, eight plants From Big Lake, Texas, to Brooklyn, New York, Witco operates eight well-equipped plants that insure prompt delivery of all Witco-madc prod­ ucts. At each plant skilled Witco engineers control everv step of production . . . protect product puritv and uniformitv by a strict quality control svstem. In addition, to insure the most effective use of these products, Witco maintains a large technical service staff to help solve various cus­ tomer problems. Put these facilities to work for you now—write today for more information.

Metallic Sunolite Witcote

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