Witco is the problem solver. - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS

Nov 6, 2010 - Publication Date: August 28, 1967. Copyright © 1967 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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i s the problem solver.

Take phosphate esters Our Ultraphos15 11, 12 and 21A solve all kinds of problems that couldn't be solved so easily before. T h a t ' s because each U l t r a p h o s combines in one molecule many different surfactant properties. One. They have both water and oil solubility, for much wider versatility. Two. Less foaming than surfactants such as linear alkylate sulfonates and many other phosphate esters. T h r e e . Outstanding surfactant

properties, including low surface tension that is relatively constant (30 d y n e s / c m ) at concentrations from 0.01% to 1%. Four. They're biodegradable. Five and six. Good solubilizing power. And good emulsifying power. Seven, and eight and nine. Witco's Ultraphos phosphate esters are antistatic, antirust and have good lubricity. Ten, eleven and twelve. Excellent alkali stability; high salt tolerance; good hard water solubility. Lucky thirteen. They're compatible

with other anionics and nonionics. All of which makes them so versatile they have found use in metal cleaners, cutting oils and synthetic fluids, dcgreasers, hydrotropes, detergents, emulsifiers, antistatic agents, oil-well drilling muds, paints, dye and pigment dispersions, shampoos, floor cleaners, corrosion inhibitors, upholstery cleaners. To name just a few products. For samples, call (212-826-1000) or write Witco Chemical, Ultra Division, Dept. AR-11, 277 Park Avenue, New York, N. Y. 10017.