WITCO STEARATES - C&EN Global Enterprise (ACS Publications)

Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a comprehensive representat...
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WITCO STEARATES ^VITCOIlrdn^sl^rot^ÎCForwayKrep 4fenTςΜΗηαΐ· 3$f iwrceifoiiiomv^si·^

* W I T C O A t U m i n o m Stéarates . . -*for„. creases L of/ îlntedigm td extremely High g e l , wïth,excellent proper* ]; ties; economkqVtoo» Alsogrades f a r pàînb # inlÊi;>^or·^ y, fishes; lacquers,Svatorproofing and metal procëssîngr/ / W I T C O Barîum Stéarate . . . Ideal dry lubricant for * high-temperature' applications .in .rubber, plastics, metal processing. *„,*':"\ *> * ,· t * t
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