With the kind of products we have in store... You could be sitting high

Nov 7, 2010 - facebook · twitter · Email Alerts ... With the kind of products we have in store... You could be sitting ... First Page Image. Advertise...
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With the kind of products we have in store... You could be sitting high, wide and handsome.

Trimellitic Anhydride Styrène

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[AMOCt Amoco Chemicals Corporation

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Consider the opportunities. It is often said that behind every problem is an opportunity waiting to be discovered. And, never has this been more true than in the automotive industry today. Problem: weight reduction. Opportunity: isopolyester reinforced plastic parts. Made with Amoco Isophthalic Acid, Styrene, and Maleic Anhydride, isopolyester resins provide some outstanding advantages. In production: controlled thickening and shrink. And in use: outstanding toughness and excellent surface beauty in addition to lightweight. Isopolyester reinforced plastic can be press and wet molded, pultruded and contact molded (back up and gel coats). And their use is spreading throughout the industry. But that's only one of the problems which materials from Amoco are solving. We also supply Trimellitic Anhydride for plasticizers (Trimellitates) which prevent vinyl fogging. And polybutenes for longer lasting sealants and adhesives. Consider the resource. ___^_ Amoco is a supplier of raw materials with a solid reputation for quality. If you are a manufacturer of automotive parts and supplies and are working on problems such as these, w h y not write us? We may already have the precise technical data you need from our technical service laboratory. In petrochemicals, we're your basic source and resource. A/ Reinforced plastic air deflector m a d e w i t h isopolyester sheet molded compound. B/ A u t o m o t i v e d o o r m a d e w i t h isopolyester SMC p r o v i d e s t o u g h n e s s and l i g h t w e i g h t w h i l e retaining beauty. C/ Trimellitates (plasticizers m a d e w i t h A m o c o Trimellitic A n h y d r i d e ) end v i n y l f o g g i n g p r o b l e m s f r o m d a s h b o a r d s . D/ Polybutenes are used in a hot melt adhesive to h o l d a f o a m r u b b e r gasket on this hatchback door. E/ Sheet m o l d e d f r o n t e n d s m a d e w i t h glass reinforced S M C l o w e r t h e cost of t o o l i n g the f i n i s h e d part. F/ H o o d assemblies m a d e w i t h isopolyester. G/ S p o r t s car b o d y kit uses ISO gel-coat finish for a tougher, m o r e lustrous f i n i s h . H/ M o t o r c y c l e f a i r i n g s have w i t h s t o o d tests that shattered f a i r i n g s m a d e of c o n v e n t i o n a l t h e r m o f o r m e d plastics. CIRCLE 32 ON READER SERVICE CARD

Amoco Chemicals Corporation For more information write to Amoco Chemicals Corporation, Department 439A, MC4102, 200 E. Randolph Drive, Chicago, Illinois 60601. Name


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