with the NEW Nauta Mixer

which Buflovak is famous in building evaporators, dryers, autoclaves, kettles and other equipment. BLAW-KNOX COMPANY. Buflovak Equipment Division, 154...
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NOW quick, thorough mixing of dry products

with the N

E W Nauta Mixer

Precessional motion of Nauta speeds production... cuts costs Uniform, quick mixing of any number of dry materials in any proportions . . . wetting dry materials with small quantities of liquid . . . or dissolving solids in a liquid media . . . these are the exclusive features of the new N a u t a Mixer. The gentle, yet positive action of the precessional motion of the N a u t a intimately mixes products in any proportion . . . without dusting or change in their original characteristics. By shortening time cycles required for thorough mixing, the N a u t a Mixer increases production. The revolutionary precessional motion means less power consumption. This is a combination that results in substantially lower costs. Why not try the new Nauta Mixer in your operations? We will gladly send complete infor­ mation on request.

Let us Pretest your


A quantity of your product ingredients can be mixed under actual production conditions in a Nauta Mixer now in the Buflovak Research Laboratory and Testing Plant, with positive re­ sults. Let us tell you about this service.


For profitable use in many industries The advantages of N a u t a Mixers can be enjoyed wherever dry materials require thorough mixing. Agricultural products Meat Ceramic materials Metal powders Chemicals P a i n t pigments Cosmetics Pharmaceuticals Dissolving viscose rayon Resins and plastics Fertilizers Seeds Fish meal Sizing compounds Flour Starch Food products Sugar Insecticides M a n y other products Latex mixed with chemicals

T h e Buflovak E q u i p m e n t Division of Blaw-Knox C o m p a n y is t h e exclusive licensee for t h e N a u t a Mixer. I t is built to the same exacting standards for which Buflovak is famous in building evaporators, dryers, autoclaves, kettles and other equipment.

BLAW-KNOX COMPANY Buflovak Equipment Division, 1549 Fillmore Avenue, Buffalo 11, Ν. Υ. For further information, circle number 119 A on Readers' Service Card, page 117 A VOL. 48, NO. 11