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impressed with the quality, scope and personal touch of the articles ... I almost dread it when each j issue arrives because I know I. I will take the...
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NEW Pump heads!

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.. One of the best condensed technical news sources I g e t . . . Outstanding melding of social, political, and scientific literature . . . The fresh glibness and tongue-incheek style are unique and welcomed . . . I am impressed with the quality, scope and personal touch of the articles . . . I almost dread it when each issue arrives because I know I will take the time, whether I have it to spare or not, to read it from cover to cover.



•--ifs-.·;· easv; ' For f a s t a n d easy t u b i n g c h a n g e s , y o u r c h o i c e is' E a s v . Easy-Lpad™*pump l · heads open and close with the flip of a lever. ; Masterflex L/S Easy-Load pump heads mount dfrectly to Mâstérftex L/S drivés, accept t h é ; ' same tubing and produce the same ffow rates (up to 2280 ml/min) as your current Masterf lex L/S pump heads. When several Easy-Load • - pump heads are stacked on a single drive, •you can change the tubing in one Easy-Load · without- interrupting the other pump heads. Add Easy-Load tb your*Mastejdlex. per istaljic· system today. Your c h o i c e is e a S V ! . . '. "EâsyfLqàd-TM Cdle-fairrrer tnstr,un1ern.Cc?..t;' '...•M«*ïerfle»-lRégT:MColé-,P«rmerJrisll-cimentCo·.'"'

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