with What's - ACS Publications

the essentialtechnologies of field emission and a range of objective ... Software. Statistics.SigmaStat incorporates a command that helps users select...
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PRODUCTS fluids. By coupling a timer equipped with optical sensors to time the meniscus between two points, the system can accurately measure viscosities over the range 0.5-100,000 cP. Jupiter Instrument 412 HPCPC. Series 1000 column module can be used in place of a packed analytical LC column to perform preparative liquid-liquid partition chromatography. Centrifugal force is used to immobilize the stationary phase, allowing separations to be performed at any pH without adsorptive or catalytic effects. Sanki Laboratories 413

Software TEM. CM200 FEG series of transmission electron microscopes combines the essential technologies of field emission and a range of objective lenses as well as a fully automated goniometer. Philips Analytical 411 Viscosity. Visco 3 viscosity measuring system is designed for the determination of viscosity of newtonian

Statistics. SigmaStat incorporates a command that helps users select the most appropriate statistical package for their data, handles missing and unbalanced data, and checks that the user's data fit the assumptions und e r l y i n g t h e selected s t a t i s t i c a l methods. The package calculates a range of descriptive statistics, including mean, standard deviation, standard error of mean, range, maxi-

mum, minimum, normality, median, percentiles, sum of squares, skewness, and kurtosis. Jandel Scientific 414 GC. 700 Series GC software handles from one to six detectors on up to t h r e e i n d e p e n d e n t gas chromatographs. Designed for PC compatibles, the software offers fast data file handling, integration, and reporting; hardware control via built-in relay flags; and batch automation capabilities. Axxiom Chromatography 415

Manufacturers' Literature Trace analysis. "Sample Preparation for Trace Analysis Methods: An Alternative Approach" details the use of microdiluters to reduce preparation time, cost, and waste by describing two sample preparation approaches prior to LC a n a l y s i s : a traditional volumetric method and a semiautomated microdiluter approach. Hamilton 416 Chromatography workstation. Brochure describes AI-450 workstation system capabilities and an up-

Make Chemistry Relevant to the Real World ...with What's Happening in Chemistry? Show students how research in chemistry solves problems in the real world. With the mon; than 25 research highlights from What's Happening in Chemistry?, your classes can read about how recent developments in chemistry may lead to: • Finding cures for cancer and AIDS. • Building stronger, longer-lasting roads. • Controlling the ripening of fruit. • Reproducing the strongest and most elastic of all known fibers, spider silk. What's Happening in Chemistry? helps students see chemistry as a living, breathing subject. An excellent catalyst for discussion and inquiry!


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