Without proper training, adding | Analytical Chemistry - ACS Publications

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Without proper training, adding powerful tools like the electron-impact mass spectrometer to your analytical arsenal can just add to the mystery. That's why ACS developed Introduction to Mass Spectrometry — a video series that takes an uncomplicated look at complex technology. From using the instruments to analyzing mass spectra, easy-to-follow tapes present a visual explanation of the entire process. Your students or lab technicians won't be confounded by concepts presented in jargonfilled manuals — because computeranimated graphics show exactly what to expect at each stage! And after completing the course, they'll be fully versed in basic instrumental techniques,

American Chemical Society Distribution Office, Dept. 1214C, P.O. Box 57136 West End Station, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20037 Fax 202/872-6067

strategies for interpretation, and procedures for sample handling. It's enlightening for working chemists and students alike. For more information about Introduction to Mass Spectrometn/, call us at 800/227-5558. In the D.C. area, call 202/872-4363. Ask for our brochure, or for just $25.00, we'll send you a sneak preview video outlining key elements of the course. (And we'll credit $25.00 toward your purchase price. That's elementary!)