wm. ainsworth & sons, inc. - ACS Publications

presented including some previously unpublished rare earth elements. Tables for preparation of stock solu- tions, analytical factors, and concentra- t...
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Company, Inc., 330 West 42nd St., New York 36, Ν. Υ. This book, based on data assembled and digested from 2000 publications in the field of flame photometry, is in­ tended to serve as an introduction to principles and practice and to serve as a practical handbook of many experi­ mental aspects. Consideration of the many equilibria present, interferences, different types of atomizers, helps resolve inconsistencies in reported data. The book covers theoretical princi­ ples, instrumentation and techniques, application to individual elements, and application to such fields as clinical analysis, agronomy, and cement and glass. Topics are discussed at a relativelyelementary level but include sufficient information to be of value to the ex­ pert. Chapters on individual elements in­ clude discussion of the nature of the spectrum, optimum excitation condi­ tions, special interferences, and radia­ tion interferences. All spectral emission lines, atomic and ionic, and molecular band systems ac­ companied by an approximate value of their emission intensities are given. Spectrograms for most elements are presented including some previously unpublished rare earth elements. Tables for preparation of stock solu­ tions, analytical factors, and concentra­ tion units are given in the appendix. The bibliography is selective rather than complete; there are thorough bib­ liographical compilations.

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Physicochemieal Basis of the Analysis of the Paragenesis of Minerals.

D. S. Korzhinskii. Consultants Bureau, Inc., 227 West 17th St., New York 11, Ν. Υ. 1959. $7.50. This is an English translation of the Russian publication which is based on 20 years of investigative work by Korzhinskii. Objectives are to provide a complete text on the subject and supplement the sketchy training of most geologists in physical chemistry. Much of this book is devoted to presenting different methods of analysis with emphasis on the dependence of mineralogical composition on: chemi­ cal composition, temperature, pressure and chemical potentials of the com­ pletely mobile components under con­ ditions of chemical equilibrium. Use of projective geometry is stressed. Fisher/Tag Manual for Inspectors of Petroleum. 29th edition. 240 pages. Fisher Scientific Co., 300