and often to the degree that little room is left for the sordid technical or exper- imental details. The idea ... Spaetzle? (a variety ofGerman egg du...
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Reliable, stable Ainsworth


KEYBOARD balances

We are inclined to believe that these German authors are not alone in neg­ lecting technical details, even in a book which purports to deal partly with applications. The epidemic seems to have struck our country some time ago. Some au­ thors who have set themselves the task of writing a text on methodology or techniques, suddenly feel the need of dressing it up with differential equa­ tions, matrices, Boolean algebra, and other elegant intellectual ornaments and often to the degree that little room is left for the sordid technical or exper­ imental details. The idea seems to be that if the general details are sketched out any dummkopf can figure the rest out for himself. The mathematicians seem to be able to stick to their lasts and if they write a monograph on the Space Groups Ε of Frechet they seem to feel no urge to explain how these might be used to reduce one's income tax or how to pay off the mortgage. Can we not do one thing or another and stick to the original objective? It recalls to mind a charming tale about the latter years of Einstein's life at Princeton. After the death of Mrs. Einstein the professor's household was managed by a distant cousin. With ef­ ficiency and vigor she chased away the idly curious, the salesmen, and promot­ ers and Herr Albert's attention could be devoted to his calculations and to his violin. But one day this worthy woman rebelled and announced that he must explain this relativity business to her. "Morning, noon and night, when distinguished visitors come here, it is nothing but Relativity!" Quietly and blandly Einstein asked— "Anna, you know how to make Spaetzle? (a variety of German egg dumplings)." "What a question, Al­ bert," said she. "The very best, as you well know." "Good," said Einstein. "From now on, in this household, you will be in charge of Spaetzle—I will han­ dle the Relativity."

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SONS, 5,



New Instrumentation Treatise

Word has come to us from the pub­ lisher (McGraw-Hill) that the treatise on instrumentation by Kurt S. Lion of Massachusetts Institute of Technology has appeared. We had the privilege of reviewing this book in manuscript form and remember, with delight, the excel­ lent treatment of many important top­ ics. As we recall it, there was a fine bal­ ance between the theoretical principles and the experimental details of these techniques. Many of these things will be of direct interest to the analyst and we await our copy here in the South­ west with great interest.