Readability, by estimation. 0.05 mg. 0.05 mg. 0.005 mg. Reproducibility. ±0.05 mg. ±0.03 mg. ±0.01 mg. Price. $550. $670. $875. Type 12 Semi-Micro...
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with the change from the gram to milligram analysis, analysts are slowly being forced into working in the microgram range. Reliability and speed in analysis are imperative. Skilled help is not readily available, and the number of analyses that can be performed by one worker in a normal working day is not very large. These instru­ ments are expensive, but if they will provide more reliable results and are capable of performing the large number of determinations per day that is claimed, it would ap­ pear that one could not afford to be without the services of such an instrument.

get AINSWORTH quality in one-pan balances


(1) Belcher, R., and G. Ingram, Anal. Chim.Acta,4, 118 (1950). (2) Belcher, R., and C. E . Spooner, / . Chem. Soc, 313 (1943). (3) Ebeling, M., and L. Malter, Microchem.J., 7, 179-184 (1963). (4) Haber, H . S., and K . W . Gardiner, Microchem. J., 6, 83 (1962). (5) Ingram, G., Combustion of Organic Compounds by Their Ignition in Oxy­ gen for t h e Microdetermination of Some Elements, Microchemical Journal Symposium Series, Proceedings, 1961, "Microchemical Techniques" ( N . Cheronis, E d . ) , Vol. I I , p p . 495-526, John Wiley, New York, 1962. (6) Keidel, F . Α., A N A L . C H E M . , 31, 2043

(1959). (7) Korbl, J., Mikrochim. Acta, 1705 (1956). (8) Kuck, J. Α., J . W. Berry, A. J. Andreatch, and P . A. Lentz, A N A L .


34, 403 (1962). (9) Macdonald, A. M . G., and Y. A. Gawargious, T h e Use of Fillings of High Catalytic Activity in t h e Microdetermination of Carbon and Hydro­ gen, Microchemical Journal Sympo­ sium Series, Proceedings, 1961. "Micro­ chemical Techniques" ( N . Cheronis, éd.), Vol. I I , p p . 397-406, John Wiley, New York, 1962. (10) Malissa, H., Mikrochim. Acta, 553 (1957). (11) Maresh, C , O. E . Sundberg, R . A. Hofstader, and G. E . Gerhardt, Microdetermination of Carbon, Hydrogen, and Nitrogen b y Gas Chromatography, Microchemical Journal Symposium Series, Proceedings, 1961. "Microchemical Techniques" ( N . Cheronis, éd.), Vol. I I , p p . 387-396, John Wiley, New York, 1962. (12) Power, F . W., I N D . E N G . C H E M . , ANAL. E D . , 11, 660 (1939).

a type and price to meet your needs New Analytical Magni-Grad Type 21, with simplified design for lower cost.

speed/accuracy/con venience Patented compensated beam "Add weight" and "remove weight" signals All metal case Eye-level, unobstructed readout Type 10 Analytical



160 gr.

160 gr.

Total load


220 gr.

120 gr.


0.1 mg.

0.1 mg.

0.01 mg.



80 gr.

Readability, by estimation Reproducibility Price

(13) Simon, W., Microchem. J., 7, 422436 (1964). (14) Simon, W., P . F . Sommer, and G. H . Lyssy, Microchem. J., 6, 239-258 (1962). (15) Sundberg, Ο. Ε., and C Maresh,

0.05 mg.

0.05 mg.

0.005 mg.

±0.05 mg.

±0.03 mg.

±0.01 mg.



$875. Type 12 Semi-Micro

The name Ainsworth

is your


ANAL. C H E M . , 32, 274 (1960).

(16) Unterzaucher, J., Chem. Ing. Tech., 22, 39 (1950). (17) Unterzaucher, J., Mikrochim. Acta, 448 (1957). (18) Vecera, M., and L. Synek, Chem. Listy, 51, 1475 (1957). (19) Walisch, W., Chem. Ber., 94, 2314 (1960). END»


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