wm welch scientific company - ACS Publications

Medal of the Royal Society, London,. 1940, for pioneering work in high-pre- cision x-ray spectroscopy and its ap- plications. For this special issue, ...
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the ANALYST'S \ column ;

L.T. H a l l e t t , E d i t o r

A Durable, Highly Sensitive, Low-Cost

Welch TRIPLE-BEAM TRIP-SCALE of Extreme Accuracy • Fast, Accurote Operation • Rugged, Compact Construction

r I iHE Xorelco Reporter, a bimonthly -*- house organ published by the North American Philips Co., Mount Vernon, Ν. Υ., has just published a special 75page issue for March to September de­ voted to x-ray spectroscopy which many of you on their mailing list have already received. This one, devoted to a rela­ tive^' new field, while popularizing their own equipment, is sufficiently broad in its scope of original and reprinted papers to warrant special mention so that all those interested in the application of these meth­ ods to analytical problems will want to write to get a copy (See "Books," page 84A, for details). We remember the service other manu­ facturers have rendered in the past to special fields such as polarography, where bibliographies were published which were a real help to workers in the field. This particular issue is dedicated to Professor Marine Siegbahn, University of Stockholm, Nobel Prize Winner in 1924, and recipient of the Rumford Medal of the Royal Society, London, 1940, for pioneering work in high-pre­ cision x-ray spectroscopy and its ap­ plications. For this special issue, he has written an interesting short retro­ spective survey on the subject. William Parrish of the Philips Laboratories has an excellent review on x-ray spectrochemical analysis. Marian Mack, also of Philips, has compiled a useful bibliography of 157 titles, and states: "This bibliogra­ phy shows that most of the publications dealing with t h e x-ray spectrochemical method have appeared during the past few

• Large Capacity1610 Grams • Sensitivity to 0.1 Gram No. 4048 STAINLESS STEEL P a n , A l l Three Beams a n d A l l Exposed Parts

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ESTABLISHED 1 8 8 0 — 1515 SEDGWICK STREET, DEPT. A 1 , C H I C A G O 10, ILLINOIS. U.S.A. Manufacturers of Scientific Instruments and Laboratory Apparatus For further information, circle number 39 A-1 on Readers' Service Card, page 71 A

LAB-ACCEPTED S T A N D A R D OF Q U A L I T Y TEMCO Series 1500 . . . a compact, convenient furnace for general lab work and process control. Chamber size: 4 " x 3 3 / 4 " x 4 y 2 " o r 9 " . Welded steel construction, embedded element plates.

years, mainly in ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY.

The applications are nearly equally divided between solids and liquids. " T h e bibliography is divided into four sections: I. General References, I I . Wave Length Data, III. Fluorescence, and IV. Absorption. None of the early classical work has been included b u t the reader may consult the general refer­ ences for a review. T h e following fields are not included : the classical field of direct electron excitation of x-ray spectra, x-ray diffraction, x-ray thickness gaging, and gamma ray spectroscopy. A bibliography of Microradiography and Soft X-Ray Radiography has been recently published by the X-Ray Division and Kodak Re­ search Laboratories, Eastman Kodak Co., Rochester, Ν . Υ. "References to abstracts of papers pre­ sented at meetings are not included. A number of U. S. Patents which reveal per-

· Extra Weights Nested in Base · Beam Arrest for Faster Weighing · Silver-Gray Hammerloid Finish

completely variable temperature control . . . lets y o u select and hold any temperature from 3 5 0 ° F. to 1 8 5 0 ° F. regardless of fluctuations in line voltage. Just another feature of this high quality T E M C O Furnace designed for continuous use at temperatures up to 1 5 0 0 ° F. and intermittent periods up to 1 8 5 0 ° F. Attractive heat-resistant mottled gray enamel finish. Operates on 115 or 2 3 0 V A - C . Price complete: $97.50 and $112.50. Write for data and name of nearest dealer. PYROMETERS TEMPERATURE CONTROLLERS



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For further information, circle number 39 A-2 on Readers' Service Card, page 71 A


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