Women Chemists Still Rare In Academia - C&EN Global Enterprise

Women Chemists Still Rare In Academia ... underrepresented among the ranks of full professors, accounting for just 6%. ... For a more comprehensive li...
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perspective of the full professor positions; four associate professorships, 16%; and eight assistant professorships, 16%. At only two of the 50 universities surveyed by C&EN did women account for more than 20% of the faculty. At Rutgers, 10 of the tenure-track faculty, or 26%, are women; at Kansas, with six tenured women faculty, it's 25%. The next three are UCLA (nine women), the University of Colorado (seven women), and the University of Akron (three women), with 18% each. At the other end of this spectrum are Janice R. Long professors, and 25% of the assistant Arizona State and SUNY Buffalo, where only 3% of the tenure-track faculty posts C&EN Washington professors. In an ACS Comment (see page 58), are held by women. If s 4% at Princeton and arlier this year, a C&EN survey ACS President Daryle H. Busch notes Stanford, and 5% at Harvard and Rochesconfirmed that women are woe- that in 1997 there were "on average only ter. Each of those universities have only fully underrepresented in the top 2.0 tenure-track women per school" in one tenured woman faculty member. Alack of women in the Ph.D. pool from echelons of the chemical industry the departments of the Top 10 Ph.D.which research faculty are (C&EN, May 8, page 36). ——™™ drawn is not the problem. The question that then nat- ——-— While women accounted for urally arose was, What is Women earned 17% of chemistry only 17% of the 1,758 Ph.D. dethe situation for women in Ph.D.s in 1983, 3 1 % in 1998 grees in chemistry granted in academia? 1983, that percentage rose Doctoral degrees in chemistry To find the answer, steadily during the succeeding C&EN conducted a survey years to 31% of the 2,217 Ph.D. in late August of the heads of degrees in chemistry granted the 50 chemistry departin 1998, according to NSF. ments identified by the National Science Foundation as An interesting question is, having spent the most monWhere did the faculty memey on chemical research in bers of these 50 surveyed de1998, the most recent year partments get their degrees? for which data are available. A perusal of the ACS DirectoThey were told the C&EN ry of Graduate Research and survey was concerned only the Web pages of the 50 with full, associate, and aschemistry departments prosistant professors in each devides an answer: almost 120 partment for the 2000-01 acU.S. and 25 foreign universiademic year—no emeriti, no ties. Leading the list of 1983 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 94 95 96 97 98 lecturers. The response rate schools whose Ph.D. graduSources: National Science Foundation, WEBCASPAR was 100%. ates found work at one of the Top 50 universities is Harvard A tally of those responses with 154; Berkeley, 146; MIT, shows, not surprisingly, that women are seriously underrepresented granting institutions in chemistry, or 6% 86; Caltech, 71; Wisconsin, 55; Stanford, among the ranks of full professors, ac- of the ranked faculty. Those Top 10 in- 54; Illinois, 51; Cornell, 45; Chicago, 44; counting for just 6%. However, 21% of stitutions, as identified by the National and Yale, 42. the associate professors are women, as Research Council in its 1995 report "ReFor women faculty at the Top 50 are 18% of the assistant professors. search Doctorate Programs in the U.S.: universities, that universe was much Overall, 10% of tenure-track faculty posi- Continuity and Change," are Berkeley, smaller. They earned their Ph.D.s at tions are held by women. Caltech, Chicago, Columbia, Cornell, 60 U.S. and five foreign universities. Those percentages are not that dif- Harvard, Illinois, MIT, Stanford, and These include Berkeley, 29; Caltech, 10; Harvard, 10; Stanford, nine; Corferent from those reported in the Wisconsin. American Chemical Society's 2000 salMore women are being recruited nell, nine; MIT, nine; UCLA, six; Yale, ary and employment survey of its into tenured ranks by research univer- six; and Columbia, five. members (C&EN, Aug. 14, page 46). sities, albeit slowly. In C&EN's survey, A caveat: Both the Web pages and That survey found that, at Ph.D.-grant- the same 10 schools reported a com- the ACS Directory of Graduate Reing institutions as a whole, 15% of ten- bined average of 2.8 tenure-track wom- search offer only a snapshot of a given ure-track faculty positions are held by en per school for 2000-01, or 9% of the period of time. These numbers may alwomen. That breaks down to 8% of the total chemistry faculty. Among them, ready be outdated, but the overall trend full professors, 18% of the associate women hold 16 full professorships, 7% probably still holds true.^

Women Chemists Still Rare In Academia Survey of Top 50 universities finds only 10% of tenure-track positions are held by women




Women fill 10% of tenure-track chemistry positions at the Top 5 0 universities






All faculty

Assistant professor

Associate professor

Full professor Total








Arizona State U California Inst, of Technology Colorado State U Columbia U Cornell Ub

22 20 17 16 25

1 2 2 1 1

5% 10 12 6 4

2 3 7 2 4

0 0 2 0 1

0% 0 29 0 25

7 4 5 3 3

0 1 0 1 0

0% 25 0 33 0

31 27 29 21 32

1 3 4 2 2

3% 11 14 10 6

Florida State U Georgia Inst, of Technology3 Harvard U Indiana U, Bloomington Johns Hopkins U

21 19 16 17 11

3 0 1 0 0

14 0 6 0 0

7 4 0 6 2

0 0 0 0 0

0 0 0 0 0

8 13 4 7 3

3 3 0 2 1

38 23 0 29 33

36 36 20 30 16

6 3 1 2 1

17 8 5 7 6

Massachusetts Inst, of Technology Northwestern U Ohio State U Pennsylvania State U Princeton U

21 20.5 27 18 21

3 0 1 1 0

14 0 4 6 0

2 0 6 6 2

0 0 1 2 1

0 0 17 33 50

6 4 11 7 2

1 2 2 1 0

17 50 18 14 0

29 24.5 44 31 25

4 2 4 4 1

14 8 9 13 4

Purdue U Rutgers, State U of New Jersey Stanford U State U of New York, Buffalo State U of New York, Stony Brook

33 27 18 22 17

2 5 1 0 0

6 19 6 0 0

6 8 3 4 13

2 3 0 1 3

33 38 0 25 23

7 4 4 3 3

2 2 0 0 1

29 50 0 0 33

46 39 25 29 33

6 10 1 1 4

13 26 4 3 12

Texas A&M U U of Akron U of Arizona U of California, Berkeley U of California, Irvine

36 11 22 38 24

2 1 4 3 1

6 9 18 8 4

3 2 8 4 2

1 2 1 1 1

33 100 13 25 50

7 4 4 9 9

1 0 0 1 1

14 0 0 11 11

46 17 34 51 35

4 3 5 5 3

9 18 15 10 9


of of of of of

California, Los Angeles3 California, San Diegoa Chicago Colorado, Boulder3 Florida

33 32 20 25 31

4 3 1 3 1

12 9 5 12 3

9 6 3 5 11

3 1 0 2 2

33 17 0 40 18

8 6 3 8 4

2 0 2 2 1

25 0 66 25 25

50 44 26 38 46

9 4 3 7 4

18 9 12 18 9


of of of of of

Georgia Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Kansas Maryland3 Massachusetts, Amherst

21 29 12 26 17

0 2 2 3 2

0 7 17 12 12

3 2 7 8 5

1 1 1 2 1

33 50 14 25 20

5 8 5 7 7

1 1 3 0 1

20 13 60 0 14

29 39 24 41 29

2 4 6 5 4

7 10 25 12 14


of of of of of

Michigan Minnesota, Minneapolis North Carolina, Chapel Hill Notre Dame3 Oklahoma3

26 24 25 17 15

1 2 2 0 0

4 8 8 0 0

5 7 1 5 4

2 1 1 0 1

40 14 100 0 25

7 10 10 6 6

1 0 2 2 2

14 0 20 33 33

38 41 36 28 25

4 3 5 2 3

11 7 14 7 12


of Pennsylvania of Rochester of South Carolina3 of Southern California of Texas, Austin3

22 15 12 20.5 33

2 0 0 1 1

9 0 0 5 3

5 1 6 3 5

0 0 1 0 0

0 0 17 0 0

4 5 7 3 11

1 1 1 1 2

25 20 14 33 18

31 21 25 26.5 49

3 1 2 2 3

10 5 8 8 6

19 29 33 15 18

1 0 1 1 1

5 0 3 7 6

4 6 2 9 1

0 2 1 2 0

0 33 50 22 0

8 7 5 8 4

1 2 1 0 1

13 29 20 0 25

31 42 40 32 23

2 4 3 3 2

6 10 8 9 9



6% 229


21% 303


18% 1,641


U of Utah U of Washington U of Wisconsin, Madison Virginia Polytechnic Inst. & State Univ YaleU TOTAL


a Chemistry and biochemistry, b Chemistry and chemical biology.