'WondeMA/orker" for
t h e wonder drugs
When producers of antibiotics sought a filter
How Cefife
filtration assures purity, speeds production
aid that would assure removal of all mycelium and other gelatinous impurities in the broth from which wonder drugs are extracted—and speed their "put-through" in the bargain—Celite ended the search. The effectiveness of Cclite can be attributed to these important factors which make it unique among filter aids: Carefully processed from the purest deposit of dtatomaceous silica known· Cclite is available in nine standard grades—each designed to trap out suspended impurities of a given size and type. Whenever you reorder· you are assured of the same uniform» accurately graded powder re
The manufacture of wonder drugs is just one of the many processes in wh»ch consistent purity and faster filtration have been obtained through the use of Cclite. Your own filtration problem· regardless of the product involved» can no doubt be solved with the proper grade of Johns-Man ville filter aid. T o have a Cclite Filtration Engineer study your problem and offer recommendations» without cost o r obligation, just write Johns** Manville. Box 60» N e w York 16. Ν . Υ. «.•ill· i» · rr*i»t«r»«» Johnt-MamrUI· UWtf· MMlk
Johns-Manville CELITE FILTER A I D S
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ceived in your initial order. Thus· with Cclite, you can count on consistent purity in your fil* trates·—at highest rate of flow-month after month, year after year.
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