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Oct 10, 2005 - Advertisements that appeared within the print issues of Chem. Eng. News have been included in the C&EN Archives to provide a ...
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STRUCTURAL BIOCHEMIST ASSISTANT PROFESSOR CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry at the University of Texas at El Paso invites applications for a tenure track opening in biochemistry at the Assistant Professor level to begin January or August 2006. Responsibilities include teaching biochemistry lecture and laboratory courses and participating in the M.S. in Bioinformatics program. Opportunities exist for collaborative research in Health and with UTEP's Ph.D. programs in Environmental Science and Engineering, Materials Science and Engineering, Pathobiology, and others. Qualifications Required: A Ph.D. in chemistry, biochemistry, or related field is required and postdoctoral experience is desired in the area of X-ray crystallography of macromolecules. The successful candidate must have a commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels and is expected to develop an externally funded research program. It is anticipated that the successful candidate will play a leading role in the development of a new B.S. in Biochemistry and Ph.D. in Chemistry. Application Procedure: Candidates should send a letter of application, a detailed vita, a statement of teaching philosophy and a description of proposed research, and should arrange for three letters of reference to be separately sent to Biochemistry-Assistant Professor Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, UTEP, Et Paso, TX 79968-0513. Applications will be considered until the position is filled. More information about our department can be found at the web site http://www. EOE.

ORGANIC The Chemistry Department at The University of Tennessee invites applications for a tenure-track position in the area of Organic Chemistry. Candidates should possess a Ph.D. degree. The appointment will begin in August 2006. Candidates who have research backgrounds and interests in the area of organic synthesis, bioorganic chemistry, or chemical biology are especially encouraged to apply. Applicants may benefit from consulting our web page (] in developing their application. The University welcomes and honors people of all races, genders, creeds, cultures, and sexual orientations and values intellectual curiosity, pursuit of knowledge, and academic freedom and integrity. Applicants should submit a letter of interest describing how their qualifications meet the position requirements, a vita, a description of proposed research, and arrange for four letters of reference to be sent to: [email protected]. Review of applications will begin on November 4, 2005, and continue until the position is filled. The University of Tennessee is an EEO/AA/Title Vl/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA institution in the provision of its education and employment programs and services.

TENURE TRACK FACULTY POSITION DEPARTMENT OF BIOCHEMISTRY AND BIOPHYSICS UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA SCHOOL OF MEDICINE The Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics seeks candidates for an assistant, associate and/or full professor position in the tenure track. Rank will be commensurate with experience. The successful applicant will have experience in the field of molecular mechanisms in biology with a strong background in membrane biochemistry, chemistry, computation, biochemistry or biophysics. Responsibilities include conducting research and research training. We seek individuals with a strong track record of independent accomplishments, who are able to interact productively with colleagues and supervise and mentor students with diverse backgrounds. Applicants must have a Ph.D. or equivalent degree and have demonstrated excellent qualifications in education and research. The University of Pennsylvania is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Women and minority candidates are strongly encouraged to apply. Please submit curriculum vitae, a statement of research interests, and have 3 reference letters sent to: Ruth Keris, Staff to Search Committee, Department of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 245A Anatomy-Chemistry Building, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA 19104-6059. [email protected]

AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT FACULTY POSITIONS IN CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry at the American University of Beirut invites applications for academic positions in the fields of Analytical Chemistry and Experimental Physical Chemistry. All positions are normally at the Assistant Professor level to begin September 15, 2006. Appointments are for an initial period of three years. Visiting appointments and/or appointments at higherranks mayalso be considered.The usualteaching load is not more than nine hours a week. Sabbatical visitors are welcome. The language of instruction is English. All advertised positions require a PhD by the time of appointment. For more information please visit To apply send cover tetter, CV and arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to: Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut, c/o New York Office, 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor, New York, NY 100172303, USA or Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, American University of Beirut, Beirut, Lebanon. Electronic submissions may be sent to as_dean@aub. All application materials and letters of reference should be received by January 6, 2006. The American University of Beirut is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

CANISIUS COLLEGE - seeks two tenure-track faculty, starting in Fall '06; one in Biochemistry and one in Physical Chemistry. Both positions require PhD, excellence in teaching and a strong commitment to research with undergraduates in a very well equipped Dept. For details see Apply to M. Kozik, 2001 Main Street, Chemistry Department, Canisius College, Buffalo, NY U 2 0 8 . EOE.

ANALYTICAL/INORGANIC CHEMISTRY: The Chemistry Department at Whitman College invites applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professorto begin August, 2006. A Ph.D. in any area of analytical and inorganic chemistry is required, preferably with teaching experience. Postdoctoral experience is highly recommended. Duties include teaching analytical or inorganic chemistry and associated labs, general chemistry and its lab, and developing a rigorous undergraduate research program in analytical or inorganic chemistry. An upper-level course in a specialty area is also a possibility. Whitman is a selective, private, liberal arts college offering an ACS-certified B.A. degree. Send a curriculum vitae, undergraduate and graduate transcripts, three original letters of recommendation, a statement of research interests, and evidence of excellence in teaching to Dr. Frank Dunnivant, Chair of the Anal./lnorg. Chemistry Search Committee, Whitman College, 345 Boyer Avenue, Walla Walla, WA 99362. Deadline: November 1,2005. Applicants who would enrich the diversity of the campus community are strongly encouraged to apply. Further information about Whitman College and the chemistry department can be found at and http://www. 224





THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY Room 2010 Malott Hall 1251 Wescoe Hall Drive Lawrence, Kansas 66045 ASSISTANT PROFESSOR POSITION IN EXPERIMENTAL PHYSICAL/ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY. The Chemistry Department and the Center for Environmentally Beneficial Catalysis (CEBC), a National Science Foundation Engineering Research Center, invite applications for a tenure-track faculty assistant professor position beginning August 18, 2006. A Ph.D. in physical or analytical chemistry or closely related field, and evidence of potential to initiate a vigorous research program in experimental physical/analytical chemistry relevant to the mission of CEBC (see www. for a complete description]. Postdoctoral experience is desirable, as is research experience within a multidisciplinary environment (either in industry or in academia). Duties include teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels, development and direction of a vigorous research program in an area relevant to the mission of the CEBC. Research focusing on the characterization of catalysts or catalyst support media, mechanistic investigations of new catalytic processes, or investigations of unusual fluid-phase organic reactions is of particular interest but other areas will be considered. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should submit a letter of interest, CV, and a summary of teaching and research interests. In addition, applicants should arrange for the submission of at least three letters of recommendation to Professor Brian B. Laird, CEBC Physical/Analytical Search Committee Chair, ([email protected]), (785) 864-4632. Initial review of applications will begin Nov. 14, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled. Paid for by KU. EO/AA Employer

NEW MEXICO INSTITUTE OF MINING AND TECHNOLOGY seeks applicants for a Nanoscience Tenure-Track Position to begin August of 2006. Candidates with exceptional qualifications may be considered for appointment at a higher rank. A Ph.D. in science or engineering, with research expertise in nanoscience, is required. For Full Details On This Position Please Visit Our Website Applicants should send curriculum vitae, copies of transcripts, a statement of research interests and teaching philosophy to: New Mexico Tech, Wells Hall, Box 123, Socorro, NM 87801. For full consideration, all materials must be received by November 28, 2005; however, the position will remain open until filled. Email applications are not accepted. AAEOE.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR OF CHEMISTRY, tenure track, beginning fall, 2006. Ph.D. in chemistry is required. Responsibilities include teaching general and organic chemistry in an ACS-approved program committed to undergraduate education. Undergraduate research is required. See for additional information. Candidates should submit cv, proposed research, teaching philosophy, and names and addresses of three professional references. Address materials to Chemistry Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, University of Southern Indiana, 8600 University Blvd., Evansville, IN 47712. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2005 and continue until position is filled. The University of Southern Indiana is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer.

THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY at St. Mary's College of Maryland invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position in biochemistry for the fall of 2006. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in biochemistry or chemistryand be committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching. Teaching responsibilities may include biochemistry I and II and courses in related areas, chemistry for nonscience majors, and general chemistry I and II. The development of an active research program involving undergraduates is expected. St. Mary's College of Maryland, a public Carnegie Baccalaureate Liberal Arts institution, located 70 miles southeast of Washington, D.C. in St. Mary's City, is Maryland's designated honors college. With highly selective admissions policies, academically talented students, and rigorous curriculum, we offer small college experiences similar to those found at exceptional private colleges. St. Mary's faculty benefit from a comprehensive program of support for scholarship, research, travel, curriculum development, and sabbaticals for pre-tenure and tenured faculty. The quality of life is enhanced by the recreational opportunities of the Chesapeake region and proximity to Washington, D.C. and Baltimore. To apply, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae (including e-mail address], undergraduate and graduate transcripts, a summary of teaching philosophy, a brief description of proposed research and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Paul P. Blanchette, Chairman, Biochemistry Search Committee, St. Mary's College of Maryland, 18952 E. Fisher Rd., St. Mary's City, MD 20686-3001. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. St. Mary's College of Maryland is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer. Visit our website: TWO POSITIONS: CHAIR &ASST. PROF. Arkansas State University is an EO/AA Employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of excellence and diversity among its faculty and staff. In support of this commitment, the Dept. of Chem. & Physics, seeks (a) Chair & (b) Asst. Prof, of forensic/analytical/environmental chem. Required: (a) PhD req., exp./publications meriting appt. as assoc./full prof, (b) PhD req. For details see http://chemistryandphysics.astate. edu/ TENURE TRACK POSITION IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY Bard College invites applications for a tenure-track position (rank open] in organic chemistry beginning in fall 2006. Requirements include a PhD in any area of organic chemistry, a commitment to excellence in teaching, an ongoing program of research activity including research suitable for undergraduates, and an interest in collaborating across the sciences in research and curriculum development. Post-doctoral experience preferred. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, transcripts, statements of teaching and research interests, and three letters of recommendation (sent directly from references and at least one relevant to teaching) to Prof. Craig Anderson c/o Human Resources, Bard College, PO Box 5000, Annandale-on-Hudson, NY 12504. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Women and members of underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply. For further information see AA/EOE WWW.CEN-ON LINE.ORG



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Research that works, for work that matters


ASSISTANT PROFESSOR Chemistry T h e D e p a r t m e n t of C h e m i s t r y a t Y o u n g s t o w n S t a t e U n i v e r s i t y seeks an outstanding candidate at the tenure-track Assistant Professor rank, available January 17 or August 21, 2006. The successful candidate will be e x p e c t e d to teach g r a d u a t e and undergraduate courses, develop and maintain extramural funding, and participate in faculty governance activities in the department and university. Requirements include Ph.D. in analytical or organic chemistry with postdoctoral experience desired. A complete a p p l i c a t i o n will i n c l u d e a cover letter, detailed CV, transcripts, a description of teaching philosophy and research plans, and t h r e e letters of r e f e r e n c e . R e v i e w of applicants will begin October 28, 2005 and continue until position is filled. Reply to: S e a r c h C o m m i t t e e C h a i r , D e p a r t m e n t of C h e m i s t r y , Y o u n g s t o w n State University, O n e University Plaza, Youngstown, O H 44555. For completing posting information and hiring requirements visit YSU is an Afirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff and students.

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State U n i v e r s i t y of N e w York

LIFE SCIENCES RESEARCH FACULTY POSITIONS C O L L E G E O F ARTS AND SCIENCES The College of Arts and Sciences, University at Albany invites applications for 3 tenure track positions at the Assistant or Associate Professor level. The University at Albany is engaged in a $100 million initiative in the Life Sciences that includes a new state-of-the-art research building and core facilities focused on Molecular Structure and Function. We are continuing to hire new faculty members and this year's hiring will be in the area of Molecular Structure. Successful candidates are expected to have or establish, as appropriate to their experience and rank, externally funded research programs in the broad area of molecular structure, including but not limited to Structural Biology and Chemical Genomics as well as other problems of biological significance using techniques, such as NMR, crystallography and mass spectrometry. The areas of particular interests include studies of single molecules and macromolecular complexes such as ligand-receptor, protein-nucleic acids, and protein-protein complexes. The successful candidates will be able to interact with a broad group of research scientists [] in the departments of Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Psychology, and Physics as well as in the greater Albany area. They will participate in the typical teaching responsibilities of the faculty and each appointment will be made in an academic department that is appropriate to their background and interests. Qualification: Ph.D. and strong publication record. Preferred candidates for assistant professor appointments should have completed productive postdoctoral training and show promise as independent, extramurally funded investigators. Preferred candidates for associate professor level appointments must have established records of significant scientific accomplishments and extramural research support. Applicants must address in their applications their abilities to work with and instruct a culturally diverse population. Finalists will be required to present a formal seminar on their research interest. Send CV, statement of research interests, statement of teaching interests, and a minimum of 3 letters of reference by email to: [email protected]. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2005. The University at Albany is an EOIAAIIRCAIADA employer.

Work that matters.

T h e CNA


PENNSTATE University Park

Tenure-Track Assistant Faculty Position Applications are being accepted for a tenure-track faculty position in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g at P e n n State ( Specific areas of interest include, but a r e not limited to, biomolecular engineering, electronic materials, a n d hydrogen storage/production. P e n n State is h o m e to t h e H u c k Institutes of the Life Sciences (, the Materials Research Institute (, a n d t h e Hydrogen Energy Center (, all of which coordinate internationally r e c o g n i z e d interdisciplinary p r o g r a m s focused on developing new approaches to critical technologies. T h i s position will thus b e a u n i q u e opportunity for a creative individual interested in interdisciplinary research. T h e successful applicant is expected to develop a research p r o g r a m leading to national a n d international recognition a n d to teach at t h e u n d e r g r a d u a t e a n d graduate levels. Candidates applying for this position must have a Ph.D. in C h e m i c a l E n g i n e e r i n g or in a closely related field. Applications with c u r r i c u l u m vitae, including research a n d teaching interests, a statement of research plans, copies of selected publications, and n a m e s of three references should b e sent to P R O F E S S O R K R I S T E N F I C H T H O R N , D E P A R T M E N T O F C H E M I C A L E N G I N E E R I N G , T H E P E N N S Y L V A N I A S T A T E U N I V E R S I T Y , 164 F E N S K E L A B O R A T O R Y , J O B # : C-21023, U N I V E R S I T Y P A R K , PA 1 6 8 0 2 - 4 4 0 0 . Applications will b e considered until t h e position is filled. C a n d i d a t e s from under-represented groups a r e strongly e n c o u r a g e d to apply. Penn State is committed to affirmative action, equal opportunity and the diversity of its workforce.

P E N N STATE Making Life Better





10, 2005






ORGANIC CHEMISTRY FACULTY POSITION UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of Notre Dame seeks to fill a regular tenuretrack faculty position in any area of organic or bioorganic chemistry. The anticipated starting date will be the Fall Semester of 2006, but other starting dates can be arranged. It is expected that the position will be filled at the rank of Assistant Professor, but candidates with appropriate experience will be considered for appointment at other ranks. The successful candidate is expected to establish a strong research program and to contribute to the department's teaching mission at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Candidates should submit the following materials: a detailed curriculum vitae, a list of publications, detailed descriptions of intended areas of research, and a statement of teaching interests. Candidates must also arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the search committee. Applications will be reviewed on a continuing basis until the position is filled. All materials must be mailed to the following address: Organic Faculty Search Committee, University of Notre Dame, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 251 Nieuwland Science Hall, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-5670. The University of Notre Dame is an Equal Opportunity Employer and actively solicits applications from women and minorities.

CHAIR, DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AND BIOCHEMISTRY The College of Sciences and Mathematics at Auburn University invites applications and nominations for Chair of the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. The College seeks an individual with an earned doctorate in chemistry or biochemistry who is eligible for tenure at the rank of full professor based on a distinguished record of research and teaching that shall continue at Auburn. The individual must demonstrate outstanding leadership and interpersonal skills, and should provide a vision to carry the Chemistry and Biochemistry department forward in the areas of research, scholarship, and outreach. The initial chair appointment will be for fouryears and may be extended for a second four-year term. The Chemistry and Biochemistry Department currently has 24 faculty members and anticipates future hires to both fill new positions and to replace upcoming r e t i r e m e n t s . The department offers B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in chemistry and biochemistry; it also offers a B.A. degree in chemistry. The department's research laboratories, major classrooms, and offices are housed in a modern building, while the undergraduate teaching laboratories are housed in a newly constructed Science Center. Additional departmental information can be accessed at The selected candidate must be eligible for employment in the U.S. at the date of appointment and must be able to communicate effectively in English. Applications should be mailed to: Professor Marie W. Wooten, Chemistry Search Committee Chair, College of Sciences and Mathematics, SCC 248,315 Roosevelt Concourse, Auburn University, AL 36849. The application should consist of a detailed curriculum vitae, a letter of intent that describes research, teaching, and administrative interests, a visionary statement for Auburn's Chemistry and Biochemistry department, a current e-mail address, and the addresses and telephone numbers of at least three references. Nominations only may be sent by e-mail to [email protected]. Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2005 and continue until a candidate is recommended for appointment. Auburn University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Auburn University encourages women and minorities to apply.

The Department of Chemistry (http://www.che.Ustu. edu/) invites applications and nominations for the position of Department Chair, with a starting date of July 1, 2006. The successful candidate must have a Ph.D. in chemistry or biochemistry, a substantial record of teaching and research, as well as demonstrable leadership, management and communication skills. The Department has strong undergraduate programs in chemistry and biochemistry/molecular biology. The Department's terminal Master's degree program is one of the largest in the country. The Chair will be expected to provide vision and leadership, to secure resources, and to foster an atmosphere conducive to teaching and research. To assure full consideration, interested candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, a list of at least three references, teaching and research interests, and a statement of management style to: Chemistry Chair Search Committee, College of Arts and Sciences; Campus Box 4100, Illinois State University, Normal, IL 617904100. Application review will begin on October 28, 2005 and continue until the position is filled. Illinois State University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action university encouraging diversity.

WITTENBERG UNIVERSITY, a four-year undergraduate liberal arts and sciences college, invites applications for a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in Physical Chemistry position beginning August, 2006. Primary teaching responsibilities include physical and introductory chemistry courses. Collaborative research with undergraduates is expected and institutional support for this is provided. For further information see: chem/employment.html. Send resume, transcripts, a statement of teaching philosophy, an overview of research plans, and three letters of recommendation to Dr. Kristin Cline, Chemistry Department, Wittenberg University, P.O. Box 720, Springfield, OH 45501 ([email protected]). Electronic submissions are welcomed. Review of applications will begin October 25, 2005. Wittenberg University is an affirmative action - equal opportunity employer. We are committed to creating a culturally and ethnically diverse community and encourage women and minority candidates to apply.

CHEMISTRY DEPARTMENT, Western Illinois University, invites applications forthe position of Chair beginning July 2006. Expertise in Chemistry or Biochemistry, a record of achievement and excellence in teaching, scholarly and professional activities, student-oriented affairs, and academic service that justifies granting of the full professor rank is required. Tenured, 12 months position; competitive salary; startup funds negotiable. Application details can be found at or http://www.wiu. edu/employment AA/EO employer.

TWO FACULTY POSITIONS IN CHEMISTRY AT THE SOUTH DAKOTA SCHOOL OF MINES AND TECHNOLOGY (SDSM&T) The Department of Chemistry at SDSM&T invites applications for two tenure-track faculty positions at the Assistant Professor level to begin August 15, 2006. The successful candidate for one position will be expected to teach, in addition to other graduate and undergraduate courses, a traditional one-year sequence in undergraduate physical chemistry in an ACS-accredited program. Preference for the other position will be given to candidates with research interests supporting the involvement of the chemistry department in a developing Ph.D. program in Nanoscience and Nanoengineering. The department also participates in interdisciplinary graduate programs including Materials Engineering and Science, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences, and an anticipated Biomedical Engineering degree. Teaching and externally funded research are expected for both positions. The salary for each position is $49,150 for nine months, dependent upon qualifications and experience. A Ph.D. in chemistry or a closely related field is required at time of appointment. For more information regarding the department and the university, visit Send letter of application, curriculum vitae, teaching and research plans, graduate transcript(s), and contact information for three references to: Dr. Dan Heglund, Chair of the Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology, 501 East St. Joseph Street, Rapid City, SD 57701-3995. Review of applications will begin on October 13, 2005, and will continue until the position is filled. SDSM&T is an EEO/AA/ADA employer & provider 226





UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME CHEMICAL & BIOMOLECULAR ENGINEERING FACULTY OPENINGS The Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering at the University of Notre Dame is pleased to announce openings for tenured or tenure track faculty at any rank. All research fields will be considered, but some preference will be given to those related to the life sciences. A Ph.D. or equivalent degree is required. Applicants should have developed or show potential for development of an outstanding research program and possess a strong commitment to graduate and undergraduate education. Applicants should send their curriculum vitae, statement of teaching and research interests and the names and complete addresses of at least four references to: Professor Mark J. McCready, Department of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, 182 Fitzpatrick Hall, University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Indiana 46556-5637. Notre Dame is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY FACULTY POSITION IN CHEMISTRY (POSITION #821) The Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley solicits applications for a faculty position beginning in the Fall of 2006. Outstanding seniorlevel and junior-level applicants will be considered. Creative and energetic candidates who show extraordinary promise or accomplishment in research and teaching are specifically sought in the field of bioorganic chemistry; however, exceptional candidates in any area of chemistry will be considered. Junior-level applicants should send a curriculum vitae and a proposed research program, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to: Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee; Department of Chemistry; University of California; Berkeley, CA 94720-1460. Please refer references to the UC statement on confidentiality: evalltr.htm. The deadline for receipt of applications is November 15, 2005. Application review will begin with receipt of applications. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AT CALIFORNIA STATE UNIVERSITY, FRESNO invites applications for a tenure track position in Physical Chemistry at the Assistant Professor level beginning August 2006. A Ph.D. with specialization in experimental physical chemistry or a closely related field is required and postdoctoral experience preferred. Candidates should forward an introductory letter, application form (see .pdf ] vita, copies of graduate/undergraduate transcripts, statements of teaching philosophy and research goals, estimate of start-up costs, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to: Dr. J.R. Gandler, Chair, Physical Chemistry Search, Department of Chemistry, California State University, Fresno, M/SSB 70, Fresno, CA 93740-8034. Applicants should have all information on file by November 10 to ensure consideration. CSUF is an OE/AA employer.

RESEARCH ASSOCIATE CELLULAR/MOLECULAR MRI A Research Associate position is available for a chemist in the Department of Biological Sciences at Carnegie Mellon University. We have initiated a new program to develop novel fluorochemical agents for in vivo cellular/molecular imaging utilizing high-resolution magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This research is being conducted in conjunction with the Pittsburgh NMR Center for Biomedical Research, which is a state-ofthe-art facility for small animal MRI. Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. with experience in emulsions and halogen chemistry. Candidates should have a strong background in standard analytical techniques such as NMR; tissue culture; strong scientific problem solving skills; ability to communicate results in a clear and concise manner verbally and in writing; record of scientific achievement as documented by peerreviewed journal publications. Interested candidates should send a CV and names of three references to: Dr. Eric T. Ahrens, Department of Biological Sciences, Carnegie Mellon University, 4400 Fifth Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213 USA, fax: (412) 268-7083, email: [email protected]. Carnegie Mellon is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE/FULL PROFESSOR (TENURE-TRACK) GORDON A. AND MARY CAIN DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING The Gordon A. and Mary Cain Department of Chemical Engineering at Louisiana State University has one opening for a tenure-track faculty position. The position is open to all research areas. An entry level person is preferred; however, the search will not exclude consideration of more experienced personnel. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering or equivalent degree; committed to excellence in undergraduate and graduate teaching and research. An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check. Applications received before November 1, 2005 will receive priority. Applications will be accepted until candidate is selected. Send resumes (including e-mail address) with three references and descriptions of teaching and research interest to Head, Assistant Professor Search Committee, Department of Chemical Engineering, Louisiana State University, Ref: #024544, Baton Rouge, LA 70803-7303. LSU Is An Equal Opportunity/Equal Access Employer WWW.CEN-ON LINE.ORG


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Tenure-Track Faculty Positions

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Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering

The Materials Science and Engineering Department at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute is seeking exceptionally well-qualified candidates for tenure-track faculty positions. Preference may be given to applicants at the Assistant level. Positions are available in the areas of metallurgy, polymer science and engineering and ceramic materials with particular interest with research area in nano-science and technology, information technology and biotechnology. The Department has broad interests and worldclass expertise in ceramics and glasses, electronic and nanostructured materials, metals, polymers and composites. The candidates must have doctoral degrees and outstanding records of accomplishments in materials research. Dedication to high-quality teaching is also essential. Responsibilities of the positions include teaching undergraduate and graduate courses, supervision of graduate students, scholarly research, and generation of significant research funding. Applications will be considered until the positions are filled. Send inquiries and applications, including a statement of research and teaching goals, a list of publications, and a minimum of three references to: Prof. David J. Duquette, Chairman, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 Eighth Street, Troy, New York 12180-3590 or to [email protected]

Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI) invites applications for faculty appointments at the assistant, associate and professor levels in the Howard P. Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering. These faculty members will join the Department at a time of unprecedented growth, with eight new faculty hired over the past eight years. Current research strengths include molecular engineering, biochemical engineering, bioseparations, materials processing, interfacial phenomena, nanotechnology, polymers, microelectronics processing and process systems engineering. New faculty will have the opportunity to conduct multidisciplinary research associated with a large number of centers on campus, including Future Energy Systems, Biotechnology and Interdisciplinary Studies, Nanotechnology, and Polymer Synthesis, among many others. Qualified individuals should send a complete CV, research/teaching plans, and the names of three references to: B. Wayne Bequette, Chair of the Faculty Search Committee, Isermann Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 110 8th St., Troy, NY 12180-3590. E-mail: [email protected]

•Rensselaer THE UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry invites applications for a probationary (tenure-track) position at the rank of Assistant Professor with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2006. Candidates with an excellent research background in computational or theoretical studies in any area of chemistry will be considered. The successful candidate will be expected to establish an independent, externally funded research program, and to develop and teach innovative courses in chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Department of Chemistry ( is a large research intensive department with strong programs in many areas of chemistry and with good interdisciplinary links to research groups in other departments in the Faculties of Science, Engineering and Medicine and Dentistry. Interested candidates should send their curriculum vitae, names of three referees along with a description of research accomplishments, and a 5 page research proposal with an appropriate budget to: Dr. K.M. Baines, Chair, Department of Chemistry, The University of Western Ontario, London, Ontario, Canada N6A 5B7, ([email protected]). The deadline for applications is December 1, 2005. Position is subject to budget approval. Applicants should have fluent written and oral communication skills in English. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents wilt be given priority. The University of Western Ontario is committed to employment equity and welcomes applications from all qualified women and men, including visible minorities, aboriginal people and persons with disabilities. MCMURRY UNIVERSITY: Tenure track, assistant professor position in Inorganic Chemistry to begin August 2006, pending funding. Primary teaching responsibilities: Inorganic, Physical, and introductory courses. Ph.D. in Inorganic or Physical Chemistry is required. Supervision of undergraduate research is highly desirable. Must have a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching in a liberal arts environment and McMurry's mission and Core Values. Further information can be found at Apply to Dr. Pamela Vettkamp, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, McMurry University, Box 158, Abilene, TX 79697 ([email protected]). Applications will be reviewed as received until the position is filled. WWW.CEN-0NLINE.ORG

FACULTY AND POSTDOCTORAL POSITIONS CENTER FOR CONDENSED MATTER SCIENCES NATIONAL TAIWAN UNIVERSITY The Center for Condensed Matter Sciences (CCMS), a premiere research center at National Taiwan University, has immediate openings for postdoctoral associates and regular faculty positions. Rank of faculty positions w i l l be commensurate w i t h the candidate qualifications. Applicants with excellent credentials in the broadly contrived areas of electronic, optical, magnetic, biopolymer, and nanostructured materials, in both basic and applied aspects, will be considered. A new center for microscopy and nanoanalysis was recently established in CCMS and candidates with strong interest in this particular area are also encouraged to apply. Applicants should send resume, research plans and three letters of recommendation to: Director, Center for Condensed Matter Sciences, N a t i o n a l Taiwan University, Taipei 106, Taiwan, Republic of China, Email: tychenl [email protected], Fax: 886-2-2365-5404

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, BERKELEY DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY FACULTY POSITION IN CHEMISTRY (POSITION #1018) The Department of Chemistry at the University of California, Berkeley solicits applications for a junior faculty position beginning in the Fall of 2006. Creative and energetic candidates who show extraordinary promise or accomplishment in research and teaching are specifically sought in any area of materials chemistry. Exceptional candidates in any area of chemistry will also be considered. Applicants should send a curriculum vitae and a proposed research program, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to: Chair, Faculty Recruitment Committee; Department of Chemistry; 419 Latimer Hall; University of California; Berkeley, CA 94720-1460. Please refer references to the UC statement on confidentiality: http:// The deadline for receipt of applications is November 15, 2005. Application review will begin with receipt of applications. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer.

•Rensselaer TWO TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITIONS AT FLORIDA STATE UNIVERSITY: ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY A N D INORGANIC/MATERIALS CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at The Florida State University requests applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in the areas of Analytical Chemistry and Materials Chemistry to begin in Fall 2006. Candidates are expected to mount a highly creative interdisciplinary research program that is externally funded, and to contribute to the graduate and undergraduate teaching in the Analytical or Inorganic and Materials Program in the department. Analytical applicants should complement ongoing research in the Department, but we ultimately seek the best candidate. For the Inorganic/Materials position, the applicant's research interests could be drawn from any of the interdisciplinary sub-areas, including: bio-materials, nanoscience, bio-inorganic, solid-state chemistry, organometallic, energy, and/or development of state-of-the-art spectroscopic tools applied to these areas. Applicants should send curriculum vitae, a description of their research plans, a statement of teaching philosophy and teaching interests, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to the: Chair of the Analytical Search Committee, or Chair of the Inorganic/Materials Search Committee, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL 32306-4390. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled.

Florida State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons a encouraged to apply.

C&EN / OCTOBER 10. 2005





DEAN, SCHOOL OF SCIENCE & MATHEMATICS - The Citadel invites nominations and applications for the position of Founding Dean of the School of Science and Mathematics and the Traubert Chair in Science and Mathematics. Candidates should possess an earned doctorate and have a strong commitment to promoting teaching and research at a predominantly undergraduate institution. The Dean's primary responsibilities include general administration of the School and oversight of curricular, budgetary, academic program and faculty development matters. The School seeks a proven leader who will provide vision for both undergraduate and graduate programs. The successful candidate will be expected to facilitate and strengthen relations with alumni and the local community. The Dean is expected also to lead the School's fundraising and development efforts in close collaboration with the College's professional development staff. The Citadel, The Military College of South Carolina, was founded in 1842 and is located in historic Charleston, South Carolina. It is a unique, coeducational stateassisted institution committed to educating principled leaders in a challenging intellectual environment. The School of Science and Mathematics offers both graduate and undergraduate degrees in Biology; Health, Exercise and Sport Science; and Mathematics and Computer Science and undergraduate degrees in Chemistry (ACS-accredited) and Physics. There are approximately 320 undergraduate and 75 graduate students in these programs. The School has 43 fulltime faculty members actively engaged in teaching, research, and service. Minimum qualifications: • Earned doctorate in a basic sciences field or from one of the disciplines included in the School and demonstrated evidence of distinguished teaching, research, and significant scholarly work to qualify for appointment as a tenured full professor. • A proven record of administrative experience in higher education that should include skills in planning, faculty development, budgeting and resource development. • Strong interpersonal, communication, and decision-making abilities to interact effectively with the public and a commitment to excellence and diversity in the recruitment and retention of students, faculty, and staff. • Commitment to shared governance and the values of educational excellence and service consistent with the mission and core values of The Citadel. • Proven ability to: - Develop and maintain relationships with external constituencies - Acquire external resources through grants, contracts and gifts - Work effectively and collaboratively with the faculty at departmental and college levels - Foster teaching, research and professional development in a student-centered environment. Compensation is highly competitive and commensurate with education and experience. Applications should include a statement of educational and leadership philosophy; curriculum vita; a Citadel application (www.; and the names, mailing and e-mail addresses, and telephone numbers of at least three references. Applications, inquiries and nominations should be directed to: Dr. Michael R. Ferrari, Senior Vice President and Managing Director, Higher Education Practice, EFL Associates, 2275 Half Day Road, Suite 350, Bannockburn, Illinois 60015. Phone: 847821-2797. E-Mail: [email protected]. Please reference job #EA-02CEN. The review of nominations and applications will begin on November 15, 2005 and continue until an appointment is made. Citadel is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer actively committed to ensuring diversity in all campus employment (122649).

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry ( invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level starting August 2006. The successful candidate is expected to demonstrate excellence in teaching and develop an externally funded research program at both the undergraduate and graduate [M.S.] levels. The area of specialization in organic chemistry is open and may include such areas as synthesis, physical organic chemistry, or chemical education. Teaching responsibilities will be in the introductory organic course sequence and advanced courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels. A Ph.D. and professional experience beyond the doctoral levelare required. Screening will begin October20 and continue until the position is filled. The department is housed in new, state of the art buildings, well equipped with modern instrumentation. It ranks among the top 25 universities in the nation in the production of ACS certified B.S. degrees. To apply, please complete the online application process available on the Web at A letter of application that includes a statement of teaching philosophy and summary of research plans, complete resume, and contact information for three professional references should be addressed to Dr. Charles R. Ward, and attached to the online application - not emailed or mailed. Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachments are specifically preferred. For questions regarding the online application process, contact LibbieSchafferat (910) 962-3115. Under North Carolina law, applications and related materials are confidential personnel documents and not subject to public release. UNCWis an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply

FACULTY POSITIONS (MULTIPLE) (RANK OPEN) DEPARTMENT OF MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN The Department of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is seeking exceptional candidates for tenure-track or tenured faculty positions with core expertise in fundamental science (physics, chemistry, or biology) or engineering of advanced materials. Special consideration will be given to applicants with demonstrated accomplishments in the area(s] of complex oxides/ functional ceramics, biomolecular, magnetic, or metallic materials. To be considered for a tenured position, one must have a proven track record that includes both national and international recognition in their field of study. Faculty members in the Department are expected to teach undergraduate and graduate courses, and initiate and sustain a vigorous graduate research program. Applicants should provide a curriculum vita that includes their teaching experience and interests, a list of publications, and a synopsis of his/her proposed program of research. Candidates for tenure-track positions should request that three (3) letters of reference be sent directly to the department. Candidates for tenured positions should include the names and contact information of at least three (3) references. The Department has 26 faculty and more than 200 undergraduate and 150 graduate students, with both programs ranked #2 nationally. The Department offers a rich research environment that spans experimental, computational and theoretical studies in biomaterials, ceramics, complex fluids, metals, polymers, electronic and photonic materials. Extensive state-of-the-art experimental and computational facilities are housed on campus in the Frederick Seitz Materials Research Laboratory, the Beckman Institute, and NCSA. Applicants must hold an earned doctorate in an appropriate field. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications. The proposed starting date forthese positions is as soon as possible after the closing date. To ensure full consideration, applications must be received prior to 05 December 2005. Interviews may take place during the application period, but a decision will not be made until after the closing date. Applications should be addressed to: Chair, Faculty Search Committee, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, 1304 W. Green St., UrbanaJL 61801. Telephone: (217) 333-U40, Fax: (217) 333-2736, Email: [email protected]. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer.

SOUTHERN CONNECTICUT STATE UNIVERSITY invites applications for a tenure-track position in Chemical Education at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August 2006. The chemistry department is ACS approved, offering B.S. and M.S. degrees in chemistry. The position will require a science education specialist for certification in Chemistry with a working knowledge of NCATE and NSTA standards. Teaching w i l l include the General Education requirement course in chemistry, General Chemistry and courses in the area of the candidate's expertise. The development of an innovative research program is expected. Review of materials will begin 11/15/05 and will continue until the position is filled. Applicantshould submit a CV, a statement of teaching philosophy, detailed statement of research plans, copies of transcripts, and arrange to have 3 letters of reference sent to Search Committee Chair, Chemistry Department, Southern Connecticut State University, 501 Crescent Street, New Haven, CT 06515, (Fax: 203 392-6396). SCSU is an Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

THE DEPARTMENT OF CHEMISTRY AT VIRGINIA TECH invites applications for positions in all branches of Chemistry, broadly defined. We especially welcome applications from junior level candidates with a focus on Computation, Chemical Biology, or Nanomaterials. This hiring initiative is part of a larger effort in the College of Science to expand the University's presence in Computational Science, Infectious Disease, and Nanoscale Science (visit Candidates will be expected to establish vigorous, internationally recognized research programs, and to teach effectively at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The application package should include a cover letter, resume, and synopsis of research plans, and must be submitted online at (posting numbers: 042016, 042017, and 042019). Applicants should also arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to Professor Joseph S. Merola, Chair of the Chemistry Department, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Review of applications will begin on October 15, 2005. Virginia Tech is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution.






UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO FACULTY POSITIONS IN BIOCHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of UC San Diego ( invites applications for tenure-track/tenured faculty positions in Biochemistry with a strong preference for candidates at the Assistant Professor level. Candidates must have a Ph.D. and a demonstrated ability for creative research and teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. The Department will consider applicants in all areas of biochemistry and biophysics, particularly the following: structure of supramolecular machines; proteomics/mass spec; molecular evolution/protein design; signaling at membranes; carbohydrate biochemistry; and quantitative analysis and modeling of complex molecular ensembles. Salary commensurate with qualifications and based on University of California pay scale. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, list of publications, reprints of up to five representative papers, and a summary of research plans to: Chair, Biochemistry Search Committee 4-600N, University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 9500 Gilman Drive 0332, La Jolla, CA 92093-0332. Candidates should also arrange to have three letters of reference sent under separate cover. The deadline for applications is November 1, 2005, but until positions are filled, all applications received will be assured full consideration. UCSD is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.

UNIVERSITY OF OREGON Organic Chemistry Faculty Position. The Department of Chemistry invites applications for a tenure-track position in organic chemistry (broadly defined) beginning Fall 2006 at the anticipated rank of assistant professor. The potential for establishing a vigorous independent research program in organic chemistry and active participation and excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels will be the most important criteria for selection. A PhD is required and postdoctoral experience is preferred. We seek candidates with a demonstrated commitment to working effectively with students, faculty and staff from diverse backgrounds. To assure full consideration, applicants should submit a curriculum vitae and a statement of research plans and objectives by Monday, October 31, 2005, and arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent to: Organic Search Committee, 1253 Department of Chemistry, University of Oregon, Eugene, OR 97403-1253. The University of Oregon is an EO/AA/ADA institution committed to cultural diversity. GEORGIA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY Nominations and applications are sought for an Endowed Chair in the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering. Candidates should have significant research accomplishments and interests in both undergraduate and graduate education. Candidates from academia, industry or national labs are encouraged to apply. Information about the School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering and links to other activities at Georgia Tech are located at the website: Consideration of candidates will begin immediately, but nominations and applications will be accepted untilthe position is filled. A resume, and a statement of research interests and accomplishments should be submitted to Ronald W. Rousseau, Professor and Chair, School of Chemical & Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 30332-0100. Georgia Tech is an equal opportunity employer and a unit of the University system of Georgia. WWW.CEN-ON LINE.ORG




FACULTY POSITION NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY CHEMICAL & BIOLOGICAL ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT The Chemicaland Biological Engineering Department at Northwestern University invites applications for a t e n u r e - t r a c k faculty position. Candidates should demonstrate the potentialto develop a vigorous, wellfunded, and internationally recognized research program, and be committed to teaching and mentoring students at undergraduate and graduate levels. Research topics of particular interest include molecular level approaches to the design, synthesis, modeling, processing, and/or characterization of novel materials or catalysts; applicants with interests in other research areas will also be considered. Application packages (including the candidate's curriculum vitae, the names of at least three references, and descriptions of future research plans, previous research accomplishments, and teaching interests] may be sent in electronic form as PDF files to [email protected] by November 30, 2005. Alternatively, the package may be sent to Faculty Search Committee Chair, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL 60208-3120. Current Ph.D. students and very recent Ph.D. graduates are encouraged to include copies of official or unofficial transcripts of their college and university education. Northwestern University is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. Hiring is contingent upon eligibility to work in the United States.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA SAN DIEGO FACULTY POSITIONS IN PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of UC San Diego ( is expanding its research program in physical chemistry. Applications are invited for a faculty position in physical chemistry, with strong preference placed on candidates who are applying for an assistant professor-level position. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in physical chemistry or a related field, with a strong record of research accomplishment and an innovative research plan. Candidates whose research interests are interdisciplinary in nature are strongly encouraged to apply. The successful candidate will be expected to teach at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Applicants should provide a curriculum vitae with a brief summary of priorteaching and research experience and a detailed research plan (3-5 pages) to: The Physical Chemistry Search Committee 4-621C, UCSD Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 9500 Gilman Drive Mail Code 0332, La Jolla, CA 92093-0332. Candidates should also arrange to have three letters of reference sent under separate cover. All applications received before November 1, 2005 will be considered. Salary commensurate with qualifications and based on University of California pay scale. UCSD is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff.

UNIVERSITY OF COLORADO ( The Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering seeks to hire two exceptional candidates as assistant, associate, or full professors. Candidates with interests in all research areas will be considered. Applicants should send a vitae, research and teaching statements, and names of at least three references to John L. Falconer, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO 80309-0424, or submit pdf files to romige® Review of applications will begin in October 2005. The University of Colorado is committed to diversity and equality in education and employment.

FACULTY POSITION IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY: Applications are invited for tenure track faculty positions in synthetic chemistry in the Department of Chemistry at The University of Arizona. We are particularly interested in applicants with interests in organic chemistry, broadly defined, but applicants with interests in other areas of synthetic chemistry will be fully considered. We expect to fill these positions at the Assistant Professor level, but qualified applicants at other levels are invited to apply. Candidate(s) must be strongly motivated toward development of a rigorous and productive research program, and must have a commitment to excellence in teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applicants are encouraged to apply via The University of Arizona Human Resources website: Be prepared to submit a CV, list of publications, description of future research plans via the online system. Three letters of recommendation to support your application should be sent to: Chemistry Faculty Search Committee, Professor Victor J. Hruby, Chair, Department of Chemistry, University of Arizona, P.O. Box 210041, Tucson, AZ 85721-0041. Review of applicant files will begin and will continue until the position is filled. The University of Arizona is an EEO/AA employer - M/W/D/V. Women and Minorities are especially encouraged to apply The Immigration Reform and Control Act requires proof of authorization to work in the U.S.A. upon employment.

ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/ PROFESSOR, CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, UNIVERSITY OF DELAWARE The Department invites applications for two tenuretrack faculty positions. We anticipate making one appointment at the Assistant Professor level and one at the Professor or Associate Professor level. The department ( is consistently ranked among the ten leading chemical engineering departments nationwide and has especially strong research programs in bioengineering, control, kinetics and catalysis, colloid and surface science, polymers and composites, thermodynamics, separations, and materials science. Requirements: Ph.D. or equivalent in chemical engineering ora related field. Applicants for the senior position are expected to have a commensurate record of accomplishments. Duties: Lead vigorous research programs, teach, and advise students at both the undergraduate and graduate levels. Applications in all research areas will be considered. Contact: Please send curriculum vitae, a description of research and teaching interests, and the names, addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of three references to Professor Norman Wagner, Search Committee Chairperson, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of Delaware, Newark, DE 19716-3110. The committee will commence review of applications on November 15, 2005. The curriculum vitae and letters of reference shall be shared with departmental faculty. The University of Delaware is an Equal Opportunity Employer which encourages applications from Minority Group Members and Women. WWW.CEN-0N LINE.0RG

COMPLEX BIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS California Institute of Technology invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in the area of Complex Biological Systems in the Division of Biology. Areas of interest include (but are not limited to) quantitative and interdisciplinary studies of the dynamical behavior of biological networks (involving molecules, cells including neurons, circuits or organisms). We are particularly interested in individuals who propose to combine computational and experimental approaches to understand emergent properties of biological systems. Initial appointment at the Assistant Professor level will be for four years. Joint appointments in other Divisions may be arranged as appropriate. Appointment will be contingent upon completion of all requirements for a doctoral degree and successful research experience in an appropriate area of biology, biochemistry, chemistry, neurobiology, biophysics, physics or related fields. Outstanding candidates who have strong commitments to research and teaching are encouraged to apply. Submit in hard copy by December 31, 2005 a curriculum vitae, relevant publications, a description of proposed research, and arrange to have three letters of recommendation sent to Tania Davis, Search Coordinator, Division of Biology MC 156-29, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California 91125. The California Institute of Technology is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Women, minorities, veterans, and disabled persons are encouraged to apply.

RESEARCH ASSISTANT/ASSOCIATE The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of Auburn University is seeking candidates for the position of Research Assistant/Associate. Responsibilities include, but are not limited to: running routine samples and operation/maintenance of the department mass spectrometers, VG 7070 sector instrument, Fisons Trios EI/CI, electrospray quadrupole instrument, and Bruker MALDI TOF. Designation as a Research Assistant requires a Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution in a related area of Chemistry and Biochemistry or a Bachelor's degree in another area coupled with some combination of course work, student research and/or work in the specific subject. Designation as a Research Associate requires a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the subject areas listed above. Excellent communication and interpersonal skills are required. Must be eligible to work in the U.S. on the appointment date. Please utilize the attachment feature of the on-line application system and attach the following: CV, a letter describing research interests and qualifications, and names and addresses of 3 references. Additional years of experience and training in mass spectrometry are desired. Minorities And Women Are Encouraged To Apply Referto Requisition #21287and apply on-line at: www. on any computer with internet access. If you need any assistance, contact Auburn University's Department of Human Resources at (334.) 844-4145. Internet access is also available through your local state employment service office and public library. Review of applications will begin after October 21, 2005. Auburn University is an Affirmative Action/ Equal Opportunity Employer.

FACULTY POSITIONS DEPARTMENT OF CIVIL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-MADISON The Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering of the University of Wisconsin-Madison invites applications for faculty positions in the following specific areas: • Environmental Science and Engineering (particularly Watershed Hydrology and Environmental Chemistry) • Transportation (particularly Geospatial Information Systems) • Geo-engineering. Information on the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department and the positions available can be found at http:// Apply by December 1, 2005 to ensure consideration. UW-Madison is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. We promote excellence through diversity and encourage all qualified individuals to apply.

ORGANIC CHEMISTRY AND ANALYTICAL/SURFACE CHEMISTRY-UNIVERSITYOF CALIFORNIA, MERCED. To support our development of an innovative, interdisciplinary research program and curriculum, the tenth campus of the UC system invites applications for two tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in Chemistry: one in organic chemistry, including organic materials and bioorganic chemistry, and one in analytical and/or surface chemistry, broadly defined. Apply online at positions.faces;jsessionid=B0ED838F7212ED182B71 1821A24FCE3C?seriesld = 1, job code ASNS269A (organic) or job code ASNS287A (analytical/surface). Closing date: Nov. 3, 2005. AA/EOE.

VANDERBILT UNIVERSITY CHAIR OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING Vanderbilt University invites applications and nominations for Chair of the Department of Chemical Engineering. The position will be available prior to the start of the 2006-2007 academicyear. The Department currently has 11 full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty positions with approximately 120 undergraduates and 35 doctoral students. It features instruction and research in the areas of biological engineering, nanotechnology, materials synthesis and characterization, molecular modeling, and adsorption processes. Vanderbilt University is ranked among the top 20 universities nationally. The successful candidate will be a distinguished scholar committed to teaching and research, with proven management ability, and a strong desire to continue to improve the program. Candidates must have an earned doctorate in Chemical Engineering or a closely related discipline with professional achievements that would justify as appointment as full professor with tenure. The process of reviewing applications and nominations will begin on October 15, 2005. Applicants should send a letter of interest, a resume, and names, addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses of four references to: ChE Chair Search Committee, Vanderbilt University School of Engineering, VU Station B #351826, Nashville, TN 37235-1826. Applicants are encouraged to apply electronically, by sending the above-referenced information in Word or PDF format to CheChair [email protected]. Vanderbilt University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Further information about the department, and a more complete job description, are available at http://www.

POSTDOCTORAL OPENINGS in the Division of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. Candidates having experience in scanning probe microscopy, especially atomic force microscopy, are sought. Applicants should send by email a curriculum vitae (a single PDF file) to Scot Martin (smartin® Website: environmental-chemistry. C&EN


10, 2005




FACULTY POSITION The Department of Chemical Engineering at the University of California, Santa Barbara invites applications for an anticipated faculty position at the Assistant Professor level, to start July 1, 2006 or later. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in chemical engineering or a related field, but are not restricted to particular areas of research. We seek outstanding individuals who will contribute to the academic programs of the department and have the potentialto become leaders in their fields of research. The department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the academic community through research, teaching and service. Application packages should include a cover letter, resume, statement of teaching philosophy, research plan, reprints of representative publications, and a list of four references. Packages and inquiries should be submitted to: [email protected] (PDF Format Preferred) or Faculty Search Committee, Department of Chemical Engineering, University of California, Santa Barbara, CA 93106-5080. Candidates should apply by December 15, 2005. The University of California is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply

CHAIR DEPARTMENT OF MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY The School of Pharmacy at the University of Mississippi is seeking a Chair for the Department of Medicinal Chemistry. Candidates should have a Ph.D. in Medicinal Chemistry or a closely related discipline. A successful candidate will have outstanding experience and accomplishments in academic research and administration, including fiscal and personnel management, and excellent interpersonal skills. Responsibilities include leadership of the department; enhancement of research, teaching and service activities of the department faculty; and facilitating interaction with other units of the School of Pharmacy and the University. The Chairwill teach in the professional pharmacy program and in the graduate program in Medicinal Chemistry. Academic rank up to the full professorial level will be considered. Review of applications will begin immediatelyand will continue untilthe position is filled. The desired appointment date is July 1, 2006, but is negotiable. Applications must include an application letter with a description of qualifications and administrative philosophy, curriculum vitae, and the names of at least three references. Applications must be submitted online at the University of Mississippi's employment site at https://jobs.olemiss. edu. For additional information, contact Dr. John Rimoldi, Department of Medicinal Chemistry, School of Pharmacy, The University of Mississippi, P.O. Box 1848, University, MS 38677-1848 or visit the Department's website ( medicinal_chemistry/]. The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title Vl/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer.

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA, SAN DIEGO FACULTY POSITIONS IN ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry of UC San Diego ( invites applications for faculty positions in organic chemistry at all levels. A Ph.D. or equivalent degree in one of the chemicalsciences is required. Preference will be given to candidates at the full professor rank. Such candidates are expected to have a distinguished internationally recognized track record and a demonstrated ability for teaching at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Salary, commensurate with qualifications and experience, is based on University of California pay scale. Candidates should send a curriculum vitae, a summary of research plans, and a list of publications to: Chair, Organic Search Committee 4-618C, University of California, San Diego, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, 9500 Gilman Drive, Mail Code 0332, La Jolla, CA 92093-0332. Applicants at the assistant professor level should arrange for three letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the same address. Review of applications begins November 1, 2005 and will continue until the position is filled. UC5D is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer with a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty and staff. CALIFORNIA LUTHERAN UNIVERSITY FACULTY POSITION: ORGANIC CHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry at California Lutheran University invites applications for a tenure track appointment at the assistant professor level in Organic chemistry to begin Fall 2006. Individuals with interdisciplinary research interests are especially invited to apply. Candidates must possess a Ph.D. in chemistry, and must be committed to excellence in teaching and in developing an active research program that involves undergraduates. Prior experience in teaching and post-doctoral research is desirable. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses in organic chemistry and advanced courses in areas of interest. Submita letter of application, cv, statements of teaching philosophy and of research plans, and have three letters of recommendation sent to: Chemistry Search Committee MC 3700, California Lutheran University, 60 West Olsen Road, Thousand Oaks, CA 91360. Review of materials begins November 11, 2005. California Lutheran University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. The University encourages candidates who will contribute to the cultural diversity of CLU to apply. TENURE-TRACK FACULTY POSITION BIOCHEMISTRY The Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry at the University of San Diego ( chemistry], an independent Catholic university, invites applications for a tenure-track position in biochemistry (open at any rank) beginning Fall 2006. The Department is housed in a new 150,000 sq. ft. interdisciplinary science facility boasting over $3 million in new instrumentation and equipment. The successful candidate will have a commitment to undergraduate education; have the ability to teach a range of undergraduate level courses including Biochemistry, General Chemistry and specialized courses; and to establish an active undergraduate research program. Send C.V., transcripts (undergraduate and graduate], statement of teaching philosophy, research plans and three letters of recommendation to Biochemistry Search Committee, Department of Chemistry, University of San Diego, 5998 Alcala Park, San Diego, CA 92110. Completed applications should be received by November 1,2005. 230



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SITUATIONS WANTED (ACS Members) Would you like to be able to place your own Ad? Situations Wanted On-Line is coming to you soon!

ANALYTICAL ANALYTICAL CHEMIST Analytical Chemist(MS 1985) 20yrs as a chemist, experience on AA, ICP, XRF doing metals analysis on different types of samples. Also expertise on GC, GCMS, TGA, TMA, DSC, HACH, LIMS, HPLC etc. W i l l relocate, contact (203)755-8676, [email protected]. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST Over 14 years of hands on experience in various laboratory functions including envirornmental, petrochemical, petroleum and pharmaceutical analyses; IQ/OQ/PQ; Chemical hygiene Officer; seeking S. California position. Please contact 951 788-5612 or [email protected].

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