Working Chemicals for the Process Industries from AMACO - Chemical

Nov 11, 2010 - Working Chemicals for the Process Industries from AMACO. Chem. Eng. News , 1963, 41 (46), pp 16–17. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v041n046.p016...
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Isophthalic Acid-95


Dimethyl Terephthalate


Terephthalic Acid


DESCRIPTION Compared with unsaturated polyesters made with conventional acids, polyesters based on A M O C O IPA-95 offer a better combination of rigidity and impact strength, better strength retention after environmental aging, better resistance to acids and chemicals. They permit higher styrene levels. They offer a number of improvements in alkyd resin manufacture. Vinyl plasticizers show lower levels of lacquer marring and lower volatility while holding comparable low-temperature properties.

High quality intermediate extremely low in metals. A M O C O DMT is used in making polyester fibers, films and coatings. It can also serve as a high purity intermediate for other organic derivatives of terephthalic acid.

High quality intermediate extremely low in metals. TPA is useful in herbicides, surface coatings, and as a crosslinking agent.

TMA is a highly reactive, t r i f u n c t i o n a l c h e m i c a l w i t h an a c i d anhydride combination. These characteristics make it capable of unusual modification by reaction with a wide range of chemical groups in varying mole ratios. TMA esters combine the advantages of monomeric and polymeric vinyl plasticizers. Water systems can be formulated with TMA alkyds. AMOCO


Trimellitic Anhydride


Working Chemicals

Acid N u m b e r , m g . K O H / g 675 Moisture, Wt. % 0.02 Isophthalic A c i d , W t . % 96 TEG Color ( A P H A ) 75 N i t r o g e n a n d Sulfur No m e a s u r a b l e a m o u n t s

Appearance White briquettes Freezing Point, °C. 140.62 Purity, % 99.9 + Acid Number, mg. KOH/g 0.01 Acid Number Stability, 4 hrs. @ 175°C, mg. KOH/g 0.01 Moisture, Wt. % 0.01 H 2 S0 4 Color (APHA) 4 Nitrogen, Sulfur and Total Metals Nil

for the Process Industries from AMACO Here are four working chemicals f r o m Amoco, one of which may hold the answer t o new prof­ its for you in one or more of these three ways: (1) Open the way for new products for you to make. (2) Improve processing of the line of products you presently make, (3) Reduce m a n u f a c t u r i n g costs or u p g r a d e p r o d u c t quality of your present line. Your investigation of these products is invited. Let us help you. Use the coupon to request additional informa­ tion or assistance.

Appearance Light yellow powder Freezing Point, °C. — Purity, % 99.0 Acid Number, mg. KOH/g 674 Moisture, Wt. % 0.02 Nitrogen, Sulfur, and Total Metals Nil





Department 6 5 9 6 - 1 1 3 0 East R a n d o l p h D r i v e , C h i c a g o 1 , Illinois

Purity*, % Melting Point, °C. Acid Number, mg. KOH/g Anhydride Content, % Ash, % TEG Color, (APHA) Form

>99 166 (331°F.) min. 871 97 min. 0.01 170 max. White Flakes

*Tbtal t r i m e l l i t i c a n h y d r i d e a n d t r i m e l l i t i c acid content.

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AMOCO Terephthalic Acid

A M O C O Trimellitic Anhydride

Π AMOCO Dimethyl Terephthalate Π AMOCO Isophthalic Acid-95 NAME COMPANY. POSITION. \DDRESS_