Workshop on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography - Analytical

May 30, 2012 - Workshop on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography. Anal. Chem. , 1989, 61 (10), ... Published in print 15 May 1989. Learn more about these...
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Workshop on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography The 1989 Workshop on Supercritical Fluid Chromatography (SFC) will be held June 13-15 in Snowbird, UT. Sponsored by the state of Utah and Brigham Young University Center of Excellence in Supercritical Fluid Sepa­ ration Technologies, the meeting will focus on SFC techniques and applica­ tions, including analytical supercritical fluid extraction (SFE). The program will consist of oral presentations, post­ er sessions, and planned discussion ses­ sions; an exhibition of analytical in­ strumentation and equipment for SFC and SFE will also be held. For additional information about the meeting, including details on registra­ tion, housing, and transportation, con­ tact Milton Lee or Karin Markides, Dept. of Chemistry, Brigham Young University, Provo, UT 84602 (801-3782135). The program for the workshop follows.



Gradient Methods for the Separation of Oligomers. F. P. Schmitz, Lehrstuhl fur Makromolekulare Chemie, West Germany Composition Gradient Programming in SFC Using Microbore Packed Columns. C. Borra, G. P. Mapelli, F. Andreolini, Carlo Erba Strumentazione, Italy



Fundamental Principles and Design Considerations for Analytical SFE/ Chromatography. M. R. Andersen, J. T. Swanson, B. E. Richter, Lee Scientific SFE in Tandem with High-Resolution Chromatography/ECD in Environmental Analysis. F. I. Onuska, K. A. Terry, National Water Research Institute, Canada

TUESDAY AFTERNOON H. K a l l i o , 1:30






Evaluation of the Monodispersed Aerosol Generator Interface in SFC/MS. P. Sandra, P. Courselle, M. Schelfaut, U of Ghent, Belgium Mass Spectral Ionization Techniques Based on Supercritical Fluids. S. V. Olesik, Ohio State U SFC/MS and Mass Detection. A. J. Berry, D. E. Games, S. Y. Hughes, M. Newby, U of Wales, Great Britain Femtomole Sensitivity with Derivatization and Negative Ion Chemical Ionization Mass Spectrometry (SFC/NCIMS). V. N. Reinhold, J. P. Caesar, D. M. Sheeley, Harvard U School of Public Health

R. M . S m i t h , 1:30





Selectivity of Packed Columns in SFC. H. Engelhardt, M. Petersen, J . Zapp, Universitat des Saarlandes, West Germany Advanced Packing Material for Microbore Packed Column SFC. F. J. Yang, C. Pohl, Dionex Multidimensional SFC and SFE. J. M. Levy, R. A. Cavalier, T. N. Bosch, W. E. Huhak, BP Research Preparative SFC: Instrumentation and Applications. M. Saito, Y. Yamauchi, W. Kottkamp, JASCO Japan Spectroscopic Co.





T. G r e i b r o k k ,

G. H o l z e r ,

8:30 Κ. Ε. M a r k i d e s , 8:20 8:30




Opening Remarks. Κ. Ε. Markides LC, SFC, and GC with a Single Chromatographic System. D. Ishii, Nagoya U, Japan Size-Exclusion Chromatography Using Supercritical Fluids. K. Jinno, T. Watanabe, C. Fujimoto, Toyohashi U of Technology, Japan Solvent Relaxation in Supercritical Fluids: A Time-Resolved Fluorescence Study. F. V. Bright, T. A. Betts, G. C. Catena, J. Huang, K. S. Litwiler, D. P. Paterniti, J. Zagrobelny, J. Zhang, State U of New York, Buffalo




Evaluation of SFE Techniques. J. W. King, U.S. Department of Agriculture Coupled SFE/GC Using Conventional OnColumn and Split/Splitless Gas Chromatographic Injectors. S. B. Hawthorne, 6 . J. Miller, M. S. Krieger, U of North Dakota Automated SFE/Chromatography System with FT-IR Detection. P. Griffiths, H. Makishima, K. Norton, F. Bet-Tera, U of California, Riverside








Negative Mode Response of an Ion Mobility Detector after Capillary SFC. H. H. Hill, E. R. Traver, Washington State U SFC/FT-IR with Flow Cell Detection. K. D. Bartle, M. W. Raynor, A. A. Clifford, J. P. Kithinji, U of Leeds, Great Britain Xenon-Based SFC/FT-IR. M. A. Healy, T. J. Jenkins, U of Nottingham, Great Britain, and M. A. Ford, H. Mould, PerkinElmer, Great Britain Industrial Applications of SFC/MS to Problems Involving Oligomeric Materials of Low Volatility and Thermally Labile Materials. J. D. Pinkston, D. J . Bowling, T. L. Chester, T. E. Delaney, D. P. Innis, Procter & Gamble

VOL. 6 1 , NO.

10, M A Y




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Selective Detection Strategies in SFC. M. Novotny, Indiana U Applications of Sample Derivatization in SFC. T. J. Chester, D. J. Bowling, T. E. Delaney, D. P. Innis, J. D. Pinkston, Procter & Gamble Trace Analysis of Components in an Aqueous Matrix via SFE/SFC/FT-IR. J. L. Hedrick, L. T. Taylor, Virginia Tech Application of SFC to the Analysis of Appendix 8 and Appendix 9 Pollutants. M. F. Marcus, P. A. Pospisil, M. A. Kobus, Chemical Waste Management Capillary SFC Separation of Primary Oxidation Products of Methyl Esters of Fatty Acids and Selected Antioxidants of Biological Importance. W. E. Artz, R. M. Sauer, Jr., H. H. Schmitz, J. W. Erdman, Jr., U of Illinois Capillary SFC of Isocyanates and Other Raw Materials. S. M. Fields, Pacific Northwest Laboratories, and H. J. Grether, K. Grolimund, Ciba-Geigy, Switzerland Industrial and Environmental Applications of SFC. S. Hofler, O. Villioth, Dionex, West Germany

Conferences • 20th Ohio Valley Chromatogra­ phy Symposium. June 14-16. Oxford, OH. Contact: Richard Day, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Cincinnati, Cincinnati, OH 45221-0172 • Annual Meeting of the American Electrophoresis Society. July 6-11. Washington, DC. Contact: Electropho­ resis Society, Box 6182, Station B, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN 37235 (615-327-7070) • 6th (Montreux) Symposium on Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spec­ trometry (LC/MS, SFC/MS, CZE/ MS, MS/MS). July 19-21. Ithaca, NY. Contact: Jack Henion, Equine Drug Testing and Toxicology Program, New York State College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, 925 Warren Dr., Ithaca, NY 14850 (607255-6556) • 12th International Symposium on Polynuclear Aromatic Hydrocar­ bons. Sept. 19-21. Gaithersburg, MD. Contact: Willie May, A113 Chemistry Bldg., NIST, Gaithersburg, MD 20899 (301-975-3108) • Pacific Conference on Chemistry and Spectroscopy. Oct. 18-21. Pasa­ dena, CA. Contact: Peter Baine, Cali­ fornia State University, Long Beach, CA (213-985-4908) • International Chromatography 'Meeting. Oct. 23-27. Mexico City, Mexico. Contact: S. Ahuja, Ciba-Geigy Corp., Old Mill Road, Suffern, NY 10901

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CHEMISTRY, VOL. 6 1 , NO. 10, MAY 15, 1989

• Symposium on Modern Methods of Elemental Analysis of Petroleum Products and Lubricants. Dec. 1 1 13. New Orleans, LA. Contact: Kishore Nadkarni, Exxon Chemical Co., Chemicals Analytical Laboratory, P.O. Box 536, Linden, NJ 07036 (201474-6380)

Short Courses and Workshops • Course on Fundamental Applica­ tions of High-Performance Liquid Chromatography and Capillary Zone Electrophoresis. June 20-22. New Brunswick, NJ. Contact: Joe Ru­ bles, Office of Continuing Professional Education, Cook College,Rutgers Uni­ versity, P.O. Box 231, New Brunswick, NJ 08903 (201-932-9271) • Short Course on Quality Assur­ ance for Analytical Laboratories. July 11-12. Arlington, VA. Contact: Carolyn Brown, AOAC, 1111 North 19th St., Suite 210-B, Arlington, VA 22209 (703-522-3032)

Call for Papers • 1990 Winter Conference on Plas­ ma Spectrochemistry. St. Peters­ burg, FL. Jan. 8-13, 1990. The confer­ ence will focus on developments in plasma spectrochemical analysis by in­ ductively coupled plasma, dc plasma, microwave, and glow and hollow cath­ ode discharge sources. Symposium top­ ics include chemometrics in plasma spectroscopy, chromatography with plasma source detection, ICP/MS and interferometry, instrumentation auto­ mation and robotics, low-pressure dis­ charges, mechanisms and processes in plasma sources, new plasma spectros­ copy instrumentation, remote and on­ line plasma analysis, sample introduc­ tion techniques and phenomena, sam­ ple preparation and calibration techniques, and spectrochemical appli­ cations of plasmas. Prospective au­ thors should submit titles and 50-word abstracts by July 3 to Ramon Barnes, Dept. of Chemistry, GRC Towers, Uni­ versity of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003-0035 (413-545-2294).

These events are newly listed in the JOURNAL. See back issues for other events of interest.