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Nov 5, 2010 - THE Tata Institute of A Fundamental Research, which was officially ... When it is realized that the penetrating power of radium ra3rs us...
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nPi-ικ T a t a Institute of A Fundamental Re­ search, which was offi­ cially opened on Dec. 19, 194.5, can already look back upon a record of notable achievements and a definite promise of a great future. Since its formation, t h e institute h a s beer engaged, on the theoretical side, on the important fundamental equation of elementary particles which predicts cer­ tain new properties for protons. The insti­ tute has given for the first time a classical theory of elementary particles and com­ pleted an entire chapter on the history of this subject. On the experimental side, it has been engaged in t h e high-altitude measurement of penetrating cosmic rays. The a p p a r a t u s used weighed 0.75 ton, a maximum height, of nearly 40,000 feet was reached, a n d the rays measured had a pene­ trating power of over 30 cm. in thickness. When it is realized t h a t t h e penetrating power of radium ra3rs used in the treatment of cancer is only 3 to 4 cm., some idea may be gained of the penetrating power of the cosmic rays measured. Prior to that, no one h a d measured rays as penetrating a s these up to this altitude. F o r the present, the institute is engaged, as indeed physicists the world over are engaged, on the funda­ mental problems of q u a n t u m theory, and on t h e outstanding problems in atomic physics on the experimental side, while the director of the institute is concerned with completing a book on the theory of t h e elementary particles. On the experimental side, t h e institute will conduct work on the penetrating com­ ponents of cosmic rays composed of parti­ cles called mesons which are responsible for t h e s u bility of the nucleus of the atom. The object is t o s t u d y t h e w a y they a r e produced, their behavior when the}' pass through matter, and their half-life. It is hoped to make further high altitude experi­ ments in cooperation with India's a i r force, and in balloons, on mountain tops, and i n deep mines. T h e Atomic Research Committee of the Government of I n d i a has decided that all large-scale schemes for atomic research are to b e located a t t h e T a t a Institute of F u n d a m e n t a l Research in the future, a n d the institute is going ahead with plans t o obtain a 200-million-volt high energy accelerator. T h e a p p a r a t u s will contain over 1,000 tons of -iron. Most of i t s components are expected from Ihe U. S., but i t is possible t h a t t h e iron part of i t may b e fabricated in India. T h e training 1972

of the t e a m of 10 scientists which is to work this high energy accelerator will he s t a r t e d at once. At present, the institute is temporarily sheltered in part of a residential mansion on C u m b a l l a Hill, Bombay, b u t a new site has been obtained in Colaba, p a r t of which is land which h a s still to be reclaimed. T h e i m m e d i a t e p l o t on the new site is about 15,000 square yeards, b u t there is a much larger area available for future ex­ pansion. T h e r e will be built this y e a r a n u m b e r of buildings of the very latest a r c h i t e c t u r a l design, a n d with the latest scientific e q u i p m e n t . T h e existing library, s t a r t e d only in 1945, will very soon contain 3,000 v o l u m e s a n d in time will become an o u t s t a n d i n g specialized library. At pres­ ent, t h e staff consists of a director, a pro­ fessor of m a t h e m a t i c s a n d statistics, a pro­ fessor of theoretical physics, a senior re­ search fellow, a technical assistant t o the director, a n d several other m o r e minor ap­ pointments. The i n s t i t u t e had early in the year six students, two from t h e university of Allahabad, one from t h e University of M a d r a s , a n d three from t h e University of Bombay. " Four of t h e m were working under t h e director on t h e theory of ele­ m e n t a r y particles and t w o in t h e labora­ tory o n the .experimental side connected with cosmic radiation. T h e r e is provision for three more chairs, for experimental physics, for astrophysics, and for a visiting professor. T h e n u m b e r of students ad­ mitted will be heavily restricted by the present very high s t a n d a r d s of admission a n d t h e need for individual a t t e n t i o n in instruction, so vital in a d v a n c e d research of this n a t u r e . The institute will serve the country by providing a place for a d v a n c e d scientific study a n d b y training m e n w h o will staff Indian universities. T h u s , t h e level of scientific education and training in India will b e raised. Primarily, t h e institute will concern itself with atomic physics, m a t h e m a t i c s , a n d allied subjects, b u t n a t u r a l l y i t s work will impinge on very m a n y o t h e r branches of science as well. India c a n already claim, to be one of the leading countries in i t s contributions to theoretical scientific knowledge. On the expérimental side, however, there is considerable progress to be made, mainly as a result of t h e paucity of n a t i o n a l resources a n d t h e limited facilities available for research.




A p l a n w i t h regard t o t h e u r a n i u m a n d t h o r i u m deposits discovered i n India will C H E M I C A L

be worked o u t by the Atomic Research C o m m i t t e e a n d a U r a n i u m Unit u n d e r t h e Geological Survey of India. T h e former is u n d e r t h e c h a i r m a n s h i p of H . J . B h a b a , while t h e l a t t e r will be in charge of M. S. Krishnan. Answering t o a question in t h e C e n t r a l Assembly Β . Κ . Ookhale, Secre­ tary, Works, Mines a n d Power D e p a r t ­ ment, pointed out t h a t steps to p r e v e n t foreign exploitation of these deposits, i n eluding legislative measures if necessary, were u n d e r consideration. T h e r e have been small occasional finds of specimens of uranium-bearing minerals from t h e Abraki P a h a r Mica Mines a n d from Pichhli in the O a y a District, from Sungri in S i n g h b u m District, from t h e S a n k a r a a n d K o d a r m a Mica Mines a n d from T u m m a l a t a l u p u r in t h e Nellore Dis­ trict, from near V a i y a m p a t t i in t h e T r i ( hinopoly District, from Yedur in Mysore, from T h a d a g a y Hill in T r a v a n c o r e , a n d from Bisundni in Ajmer-Merwara. Monazite, o n e of t h e thorium-bearing minerals, occurs in the beach sands in T r a v a n c o r e S t a t e a n d in t h e costal areas of the M a d r a s Presidency a n d Orissa [ C H U M . KSG.

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W h e n asked in whom t h e p r o p r i e t a r y rights were vested, M r . Gokhale said, " I t is not possible t o give a reply to this ques­ tion without detailed investigation of each particular p r o p e r t y ; but generally speak­ ing, p r o p r i e t a r y rights in minerals belong to the s t a t e so far as Indian s t a t e s a n d certain provinces a r e concerned, while i n other places proprietary rights are claimed by private parties. E a c h case has, there­ fore, to be examined on merits by t h e p r o ­ vincial government or s t a t e concerned." A. P . SoM Ja?nshepur, India




Deposits of u r a n i u m in its S a n t a Ana mine, in t h e D e p a r t m e n t of Coronal Pringles of Argentina, has been announced by S. A. Berilo Argentina. Mica, beryl­ lium, q u a r t z , a n d feldspar, as well a s t a n t a l u m a n d columbium, a r e to b e found in the area. T h e u r a n i u m ore is about 8 meters below t h e surface.

German Scientists in Australia U n d e r t h e Australian program of i m ­ porting G e r m a n scientists who could s u p ­ ply valuable technical knowledge a n d skill to






1390 (1947)], t h e following have been a n ­ nounced as going t o Australia: Frederick D a n u l a t , i n v e n t o r of a process for t h e e x ­ t r a c t i o n of t a r a n d gas from b r o w n coal : Erich B r u g g e r m a n , chemical engineer a n d designer of t h e extraction p l a n t ; a n d Carl Tetweiler, chemical engineer, w h o will carry o n research a t the University of Mel­ bourne a n d lecture on a u t o m a t i c micro­ analysis of elements. AND