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Nov 4, 2010 - Only now that secrecy has been lifted from wartime industrial activities does it become clear to what a high degree all economic efforts...
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yifbb____CHEMISTRY Russia of t h e devastated azrreas, R EHABILITATION the repair of damaged and negle- cted plants, and the resettlement of large t>-erritories provide Soviet industry with new tasks which in extents and difficulty- of execution may well be compared withtjhose which were taken on and. carried out during the war. Only- now that sec xecy has been lifted from wartime industrial activities does it become -clear to w h a t a high degree all ecoxiomio efforts ^\ero concentrated in the So>viet Union on the production of armamexits a n d provisions for the Red Army. Many new and ar nbitious projects were lauxnche-d and carried through despite wartime difficulties, but preference was given to wortc of direct importance to the prosecution o>f the war, and even of these war plants only part was fcz>uilt while hostilities were isn progress; Soviet industry has thus still to complete insiany new industrial enterprisers, a n d this, in a d d i tion to the transfer of evacuated works and reconstruction needs, will ma,ke very h&avy demands on the country's economic resources. Aluminum Industry Restores Works to Capacity

The aluminum industry h a d t o effec^t a large-scale transfer of equipment early in_ the war when the Stalino an