Would you buy a car that only went 100 MPH? - C&EN Global Enterprise

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Would you buy a car that only went 100 MPH? What if you needed to drive slowly? Or had to stop occasionally? You'd be out of luck. With no choice. Alas, some chemical companies are like that car. They offer no choice. But B o r d e n gives you a choice. Take emulsions for example. Borden can offer almost

any emulsion you're ever likely to need. Borden has polyvinyl acetates, polyvinyl chlorides, styrene/butadienes and acrylics. This type of choice can mean profits for you. It can mean onestop shopping. (Finding everything you need as soon as you need it.) So you save time. And, indirectly, money.

Borden's choice gives you a more direct way to save, too. If you find everything you need at Borden, you can take advantage of Borden's bulk rates. Want more information? Or a talk with one of our technical experts? Write us. We'll steer you in the right direction.

Thermoplastics Division, Borden Chemical, Division of Borden Inc, Leominster, Mass. 01453.