would you like to plan a plant in Puerto Rico ?
Too late, the plant is planned ! In fact construction is already beginning on Sun Oil's new $125 million refinery complex and harbor at Yabucoa. But the project a t Yabucoa is simply one indication of Sun on the move. We're geared for growth and we need people. Maybe you ? P e r h a p s you'd like to work for the company t h a t also recently boomed into the 2 billion dollar class t h r o u g h the m e r g e r of Sun and Sunray DX ; t h a t pioneered the famed Athabasca 100A
C & E N M A R C H 10, 1969
oil sands project in N o r t h e r n Alberta ; t h a t operates a new Computation Center in Philadelphia ; t h a t sponsors winning teams and cars in major road racing championships in the United States and Canada—to mention just a few exciting projects. We need men and women to grow with us and build the future. We have openings in Exploration, Production, M a n u f a c t u r i n g , R e s e a r c h and Development, Engineering, Sales, Accounting, Economics and Computer
Operations. Locations—Philadelphia, Toledo, Tulsa, Dallas and many other areas. W r i t e us for an appointment, w r i t e for our book "Sunoco Career Opportunities Guide," or contact your College Placement Director to see Sun's r e p r e s e n t a t i v e w h e n on c a m p u s . S U N O I L COMPANY, Industrial Relations Department, C E , 1608 Walnut St., Phila., P a . 19103. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F (ADVERTISEMENT)