Wyandotte Caustic Soda is now available in convenient open head

Nov 5, 2010 - Publication Date: April 20, 1953. Copyright © 1953 AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY. ACS Chem. Eng. News Archives. First Page Image...
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Wyandotte Caustic Soda is now available in convenient open head d r u m s ! Visible Supply!


N o more guesswork. You can instantly see how much caustic remains in the drum.

at these advent tages:

Easily Accessible! No more tilting, or turning t h e drum upside down to get a t the remaining caustic.

Safely! T h e rolled edges and open head protect the user from cuts and caustic burns.

The high quality of Wyandotte caustic in the newopen head drums is unchanged. You'll still find among Wyandotte's many grades and forms the caustic soda best suited to your needs — for soaps, detergents and metal deaners; food processing; paints, inks and dyes; for insecticides and textiles.

You'll find Wyandotte a reliable and helpful source for all alkalies — caustic, soda ash, bicarbonate of soda, chlorine, calcium chloride. W r i t e Wyandotte for our new caustic soda booklet . . . for help in specifying the right grade for your processes, consult Wyandotte. W Y A N D O T T E C H E M I C A L S CORPORATION WYANDOTTE, MICHIGAN OFFICES IN PRINCIPAL

For Pilot-Plant Operations Wyandotte Mercury Cell Caustic (50% liquid) can be obtained in nickel drums for pilot-plant operations, as well as in commercial quantities. This reagent-grade caustic is ideal for pilot-plant use, since the grade need not be changed when you, convert to commercial production. This eliminates the "bugs" that often arise when a different grade is used in production t h a n in the pilot-plant process. V O L U M E

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