"Wyandotte has been an outstanding supplier of chemical raw

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Dependable Source for Chemical Raw Materials


R. E. Harper (left), director of purchases, and William R. Tlaselton, RTiindander's vnanager of manufacturing, talk over chemical needs ivith Wyandotte Representative J. C. ΛJills.

Wyandotte has been an outstanding supplier of chemical raw materials — Κ. Ε. Harper, Rhinelander Paper Co., Rhinelander, Wise., is t h e world's largest m a n u f a c t u r e r of two s p e c i a l t y papers — glassine and greaseproof — which are produced in hundreds of variations, each tailor-made for a specific use. A hand-picked executive team not only has guided Rhinelander to a top position in its field, but also has joined with other paper com­ panies t o perpetuate America's forests. With such an operation, you would expect Rhinelander suppliers to be hand-picked — a n d they are. The formula is clear-cut and con­ cise. AsR. E. Harper, Rhinelander's director of purchases, states: "We VOLUME

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of purchases,

are proud of ail our suppliers. They are a continuing factor in our suc­ cess. W y a n d o t t e has been an out­ standing supplier of chemical raw materials to us for more than 10 years, and for just two reasons: dependability and service. We cur­ rently buy Soda Ash, Chlorine and Caustic from Wyandotte. " W e appreciate Wyandotte's con­ stant representation in o u r area, and their years of experience in serving the paper industry almost parallel our own." If you w a n t a source of chemical raw materials with a background of years of experience with m a n y industries, contact W y a n d o t t e . You will find W y a n d o t t e big enough to MAY

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?? Co.

serve all your needs, y e t small enough t o short-circuit needless red tape in the solution of chemical problems in our area of experience. We invite your inquiries. Wyan­ dotte Chemicals Corporation, Wyandotte, Michigan. Offices in principal cities.




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