X-ray imaging camera - Analytical Chemistry (ACS Publications)

1 Apr 1994 - X-ray imaging camera. Anal. Chem. , 1994, 66 (7), pp 435A–435A. DOI: 10.1021/ac00079a736. Publication Date: April 1994. ACS Legacy ...
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six different solutions can be selected using an eight-port rotary valve. Sixteen crystallizations can be performed in a 4 x 4 array. Protein crystals are prepared on two types of multiwell vapor diffusion plates that are compatible with either hanging-drop or sitting-drop methods. ICN Biomedicals • 408

Rapid quench flow analysis The RQF-63 rapid quench flow analysis system is designed for continuous or in­ terrupted flow modes of operation. The system includes a biocompatible thermostatted flow circuit and an electronic con­ trol unit that determines the volume and flow rate of reagent solution delivery for incubation times of 3 ms to 100 s. Sample and quench solution syringes are driven by a stepper motor with a bipolar drive. For continuous-flow reactions, the quench solution can be delivered via loops of vary­ ing size mounted on interchangeable car­ tridges. In interrupt mode, the reagent solutions are mixed together and held in the loop for an interval set by the control­ ler before the drive empties and quenches the reaction volume. Hi-Tech Scientific • 409

LITERATURE Customer training Catalog describes analytical instrument training courses available at the company training center, at regional seminars, or on site. Topics include AAS, ICP, IR spec­ troscopy, LC, GC, LC/MS, and chroma­ tography data systems. Perkin Elmer • 410

Elemental analysis Booklet describes instruments for ele­ mental analysis, including analyzers for N, S, F, and C as well as autosamplers, HPLC and GC detectors, process and on-line instrumentation, pyrolysis tubes, and GC accessories. 34 pp. Antek • 411 LC Brochure describes the ConSep LC100 system for 2D chromatography in bioanalytical applications. On-line methods de-

velopment and blending of up to four buff­ ers are two of the system features discussed. 4 pp. Millipore 1 4 1 2

as well as columns and packings, autosamplers, tubing, fittings, valves, and affin­ ity chromatography products. 308 pp. Rainin 1 4 1 4

MS instruction Brochure describes two training courses in MS. "Interpretation of Mass Spectra" discusses the interpretation of EI mass spectra, instrument components, inlet systems, ion sources, mass analyzers, and modes of operation. The package contains four audio cassettes and a workbook. "In­ troduction to Mass Spectrometry" is a two-cassette video course that includes demonstrations of lab problems and pro­ cedures, close-up views of instrument components, and animated graphics. American Chemical S o c i e t y • 413


FT-IR Catalog of FT-IR accessories and software lists beam condensers; accessories for attenuated total reflectance, diffuse reflec­ tance, solid and liquid transmission, and gas sampling; microscopes; sampling kits; software and spectral libraries; and spe­ cial-purpose and specular reflectance ac­ cessories. 176 pp. Nicolet 1 4 1 5

Heating supplies Catalog lists laboratory heating instru­ ments such as muffle furnaces, ovens, incubators, and thermal cyclers as well as shakers, cryogenic storage systems, heat­ ing tapes and ropes, and other accesso­ ries. 98 pp. Thermolyne 1416

HPLC Catalog lists systems, components, and supplies for analytical and preparative HPLC. Categories include products for sample preparation and injection, detec­ tion, data analysis, and fraction collection,

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X-ray imaging camera The X-ray Imager is designed for highresolution white light and monochro­ matic X-ray video imaging applications in crystallography, microradiography, and interferometry. Materials science applications include phase transition studies, imaging of lattice defects, and tomography. The instrument is composed of a CCD camera fitted with an X-ray scin­ tillator and is coupled to an image in­ tensifier via a coherent fiber-optic coupling. Interchangeable input scintil­ lator cartridges are available in a range of sizes with corresponding fiber-optic connectors for the CCD chip and im­ age intensifier. Input image sizes range from 12 to 150 mm on the diago­ nal; resolution ranges from 150 μπι for large-area versions of the camera

system to < 18 μΐΒ for high-resolution versions. The research version of the instrument includes a replaceable light barrier window and has an optical res­ olution of 680 horizontal lines. Software that operates in a Win­ dows-like environment is available for image acquisition and manipulation.

Photonic Science/Micro Photonics 1 4 1 7

Analytical Chemistry, Vol. 66, No. 7, April 1, 1994 435 A