Xanthone Constituents of Hypericum androsaemum

Sep 12, 1978 - Xanthone derivatives of various structural types have been isolated from several Hypericum species (1, 2,. 3). An investigation of root...
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X A N T H O N E C O N S T I T U E K T S O F HYPERICUM AA17DROSAEJfUAIf H ~ S S ES I E L S andEPETER ~ ARESDS Royal Danash School of P h a r m a c y , Cheniical Instiiute B C , 2 ~ i i i ~ e r s i t e t s p a r k e ,DK-2100 l, Copenhagen 0.

thone can be made. For the former compound the signal corresponding to H-8 would be expected at 6 8.15, yet in the actual case it is at 6 7 . 2 . The resonance of this and the remaining aromatic protons are in accordance n-ith calculated values (8). The fragmentation of X+(m,e 2 i 2 -Cl5Hl2Oj) in the ms of 2 resembles that of both 2-methoxy and 4methoxy substituted xanthones (6), and the relevant three-proton signals are clearly seen in the pmr-spectrum. The remaining oxygen function is present in a hydrosyl group situated para to the carbonyl group as FTitnessed by a large I