XYLOSE ISOMERASE1 - Journal of the American Chemical Society

Anomeric specificity and mechanism of two pentose isomerases. Keith J. Schray and Irwin A. Rose. Biochemistry 1971 10 (6), 1058-1062. Abstract | PDF |...
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Vol. 75



Sir: XVe recently reportcdLisolation from horse brain of a substance, 1n.p 175-17fjo, cy13 -45.3" Chi, diacetate, m.p. DG-97', LYD -27.G' Chf, isomeric with all known cholestenediols and hence designated cerebrosterol?; in later worl; the sterol was also isolated from liurnan brain. The steroidal nature of the substance was established by hydrogenation to the saturated diol, cerebrostanediol, oxidation of this to cerebrostandione, and n'olff-Kishner reduction to cholestane. Observation that cerebrosterol is precipitated by digitonin, gives a positive Liebermann-Burchard test, is levorotatory, is converted on Oppenauer oxidation to an a,?-unsaturated diketone, and forms a diacetate indicated that it is a secondary alcoholic derivative of cholesterol. Some of the possible locations for the estra secondary hydroxyl group can be eliminated: Cz, Ce, C7 (known alcohols or ketones) ; C11 (cerebrostenedione forms a disemicarbazone) ; C1 (cerebrostenedione undergoes WolffKishner reduction without alkaline cleavage and hence is not a 1,3-diketonc) ; C15 or C16 (absence of a band a t 5.77,u in the infrared spectra of cerebrostanedione and cerebrostenetlione'i . Of the remaining positions: C12, C2?,Cr?, ant1 C24,the location C?4 a t first seemed excluded since our cerebrostenedione melts a t 115-1 lo", whereas Hey, Honeyman and Peal3 report the m.p. 90-91' for A4cholestene-3,24-dione obtained by ozonization of fucostadienone. However, in an Oppenauer oxidation of 24-ketoch~lesterol~ we obtained A4-cholestene-3,24-dione melting a t 118-119° (AEfoH 242 mp, l o g E 4.22, LYD 83.5" Chf, AChf 5.S6,8.01, G.lS,u; calcd.: C, 81.35; EI, 10.62; found: C, 81.32; H, 10.64) and identical with cerebrostenedione (mixed ni.p., infrared spcctrutn). Previous workers',5 have reported that %ketocholesterol on rcduction according to hleerweinPonndorf or with li tliiuni aluminum hydride affords a single diol, m.p. IW-1 (8";tliacctate, 1n.p. 93 95". We repeated the Lleerwein-Ponndorf reduction and on fractional crystallization as dibenioate isolated two products, m.p. 179-181", an -15.5' Chf (calcd.: C, S0.Gl; H, 8.91; found: C, 80.65; H, 8.83), and m.p. 141-142", CYD -11.8' Chf (found: C, 80.68; H, 8.90). Hydrolysis of the first dibenzoate yielded a product identical with cerebrosterol, which is thus assigned the constitution of P-chole~tene-3?,24[~-diol.Saponification of the second dibenzoate gave the 24E2-epimer, (calcd: C, 80.54; m.p. lS2-1S3", all -26.S'



(1) A Brcoll, S Di I riico and P de Ruggieri, Gaze Clitm. I l a l , 83, 75 (1053). (2) Previously' named cerebrostenediol (3) D H. Hey, J. Honeyman and W J Peal, J. Chem S a c , 2881 (1950) ( I ) B Riegel and I A Kaye, TIIISJ O U R N A L , 66, 723 (lq44) ( 7 ) D. I€ H e r , 1 FIonevman a n d W J Peal, J C h p i n S O L , 4836

H, 11.52; found: C, 80.52; H, 11.57); diacetatc, m.p. 100-102', ~ C D-37.2' Chf. On mild Oppenauer oxidation the synthetic 246'- and 24Ez-diols afforded, along with A4-cholestene-3,24-dione, A4-cholestene-24E1-ol-3-one, m.p. lXSo, LYD+79.5' Chf, XEtoH 242 mp (log E 4.22), AChf 2 3 , 6.01, 6 . 1 8 ~(calcd.: C, 80.94; H, 11.07; found: C, SO.98; H, 11.00), acetate, m.p. 97', LYD SG.5' (calcd.: C, 78.G8; H, 10.47; found: C, 75.70; H , 10.38), and A4-cholestene-24f2-01-3one, 1n.p. 143', CYD 93.5' (found: C, 80.90; 70' (found: H, ll.O2), acetate, m.p. 91', (YD 78.70, H, 10.43). Both products on chromic acid oxidation afforded A4-cholestene-3,24-dione. Catalytic hydrogenation of A6-cholestene-3P,24f'diol gave ~holestane-3@,24~~-diol, m.p. 202-203", LYD 24' Di (calcd.: C, 80.14; H, 11.96; found: C, 80.09; H, 11.92), diacetate, m.p. 119', (YD +22.5" Chf (calcd.: C, 76.18; H, 10.72; found: C, 76.19; H, 10.62). These substances were not depressed in m.p. on admixture with cerebrosterol and its diacetate, respectively. Chromic acid afforded a oxidation of ~holestane-3/3,24~~-diol dione, m.p. 1 2 2 O , LYD +40° Chf, XChf 5 . 8 7 ~(calcd.: C, 80.94; H, 11.07; found: C, 80.80; H, 11.03) that showed no depression in m.p. on admixture with cerebrostanedione. JJ-e are indebted to Professor L. F. Fieser for his helpful advice and for the infrared absorption spectra.








Sir: &hen2 has recently described an enzyme in E. coli which catalyzes the equilibrium reaction : D-ribulose Ft D-arabinose and named it "pentose isomerase." We now wish to report the finding of an enzyme which catalyzes the reaction : D-XylOSe $D-xylulose. This enzyme obtained from Pseudomonas hydrophi2a is specific for xylose and does not catalyze the formation of ketopentoses from D-ribose, D- or L-arabinose, D-lpOSe or L-rhamnose. I t will therefore be referred to as "xylose isomerase." X similar enzyme from Lactobacillus pentosus has been briefly reported by Lampen. The enzyme preparation used was an acetonedried powder obtained, as previously described, from a cell-free extract of P. hydrophizila grown on D-xylose, except that the cells were ruptured by sonic vibration (10 kc., 1.0 amp., 10 min.). The xylose isomerase was found to be a soluble (1) Issued as N R C. No. 3011. (2) S. S . Cohen, J . Biol. Chcm.. 201, 71 (1953). (3) J. 0. Lampen, "Symposium on Phosphorus Metabolism," Yo1 11, Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, Md , 1952, p. 363. 14) R h l IIochster and R I\' Watson Natt~rc (Lond 1, 170, 357


July 5, 1953

enzyme, heat sensitive and stable for more than one year when stored as the acetone powder a t 4' over calcium chloride. Up to 80% enzyme inactivation was obtained by prolonged dialysis a t 0-4'. Addition of 0.01 M M n + + or Mg++ restored 92 and 70% of the lost activity, respectively. The optimum PH was 7.5. Ketopentose was determined by the cysteinecarbazole method,S by the use of FeCls-orcinol spectra, and by paper chromatography in several solvent systems. An equilibrium of 16% D-xylulose and 84% D-XylOSe was reached in 3 hr. at 27' under the conditions used. However, this equilibrium was shifted to 81.5% D-xylulose and 18.5% D-xylose by the addition of borate (0.062 M ) to trap the ketopentose. The isomerase reaction did not require phosphate and could be carried out aerobically or anaerobically. The enzyme was not inhibited by iodoacetate, fluoride, azide or ,8methyl-D-xyloside. A typical example of the isomerase reaction showing the rate of ketopentose formation anaerobically (without added borate) is given in Table I. TABLE I RATE OF CONVERSION OF D-XYLOSE TO D-XYLULOSE BY XYLOSEISOMERASE Reaction components per 3-ml. aliquot were: acetone powder 30 mg., D-xylose 80 mg., NaF 0.02 M, MgCls 0.0033 M, NaHC03 0.02 M in 95% NZ 5% COZa t 27". Proteins and nucleic acids were precipitated with trichloroacetic acid and protamine sulfate. Supernatant containing the reaction product was treated with cysteine-carbazole and after 1 hr. a t room temperature the resulting colors were read spectrophotometrically.


Enzymatic .reaction time, min.

0 10 30 60 90 120 180 240

% D-xylose converted t o D-xylulose 0.00

4.25 9.00 12.00 14.85 15.50 16.25 16.00


adjusted to PH 7.5, concentrated in vacuo (at 3040') l1 to a small volume which was then transferred to a cellulose ~ o l u m n and ~ ~ ~the ' ~ components separated using water-saturated butanol as the mobile phase. A modified cysteine-carhazole spot test was used to identify the efiluent ketopentose. When combined, the ketopentose fractions coilsisted of pure sirupy D-xylulose having [ ~ i y ] ~ ~ D -32.2' (c 2.7% in H 2 0 ) 1 4 and gave a crystalline 9-bromophenylhydrazone, melting a t 128-129' (uncor.) which was unchanged on admixture with an authentic sample.14 In view of our previous report4 on the enzymatic phosphorylation of D-xylose, the existence of xylose isomerase raises the question whether the substrate in the phosphorylation is D-xylose, D-xylulose or both sugars. Conclusive evidence is not yet available and this phase of the problem is under investigation. (11) L. C. Craig, J. D. Gregory and W.Hausmann, A d . Chcm., 2 2 , 1462 (1950). (12) L. IIough, J. K. N Jones and W.H. U'adman, J Chem. Soc., 2511 (1949). (13) C. T. Bishop, Chemistry i n Canada, I, 39 (1953). (14) 0. Th. Schmidt and R. Treiber, Ber , 66, 1765 (1933).



Sir : The activation of acetate was recently partially clarified when i t was found that this reaction involved a pyrophosphate split of ATP, indicating the over-all reaction ATP

+ HS,CoA + acetate e AMP + PP + acetyl-S.CoA


As intermediary, an S-phosphoryl derivative had been suggested as initial product of a reaction ATP and C 0 4 . ~ 2 ~More recent work in our Paper chromatograms run with phenol-water laboratories, however, made such a mechanism (4 : 1),6 benzyl alcohol-acetic acid-water (3 : 1:3)' more and more unlikely, suggesting, rather, mechaand toluene-dioxane-water (4.17: 12.5: 1) all re- nisms involving enzyme-bound intermediaries. 4,6 A sulted in good separations of control D-XylU1OSel8 considerable clarification of a mechanism of this type ~ - r i b u l o s e ,D-xylose ~ and D-ribose. With each appeared to be possible by the use of isotopes. solvent system, the product of the enzymatic Through testing for exchange with labelled pyroreaction, freed from D-xylose by bromine oxidation phosphate as well as labelled acetate, it appeared followed by removal of the resultant xylonic acid possible to obtain a rather precise information on with Amberlite IRA 400 resin, had an Rr value the intermediate course of the reaction. identical with authentic D-XylUlOSe. The reaction Radioactive pyrophosphate was prepared by product gave no ribulose spot and did not exhibit (1) following abbreviations are used in this communication: the characteristic spectrophotometric peak for A T P =Theadenosine triphosphate; H S C o A = sulfhydryl-coenzyme A ; ribulose at 540 rn,u in the FeC13-orcinol reaction. CoA = coenzyme A; AMP = adenosine monophosphate; PP = Positive identification of the product of the pyrophosphate; ex = enzyme, whereby "x" may represent the group isomerase reaction as D-xylulose was effected as which takes part in the chemical reactions; and Ad = adenosine. investigation was supported in part by research grants from the follows: the reaction product was freed of protein, lo This U. S. Public Health Service, from the Rockefeller Foundation, and (5) Z. Dische and E. Borenfreund, J . Biol. Chcm., 192, 583 (1951). (6) S . M. Partridge, Biochcm. J . , 44, 238 (1948). (7) A. Benvenue and K. T.Williams, Arch. Biochcm. B i o p h r s . , 94, 225 (1961). (8) R. M. Hann, E. B. Tilden and C. S. Hudson, THIS JOURNAL, 60, 1201 (1938). (9) C. Glatthaar and T. Reichstein, Hclu. C h i n . A c f o , 18. 80 (1936). (10) M. Somogyi, J . B i d Chem.. 117, 771 (1937).

from the Atomic Energy Commission. (2) F. Lipmann, M. E. Jones, S. Black and R. M. Flynn, THIS JOURNAL, 74, 2384 (1952). (3) F. Lynen, E. Reichert and L. Rueff, A n n . Chcm., 674, 1 (1951). (4) F. Lipmann, M. E. Jones, S. Black and R. M. Flynn, J . Call. and C o m p . Physiol , 41, Supplem. 1, 109 (1953). (6) F. Lynan pnd H. Hilz. unpublishad owpariment..