yaiio derivatives of tmth antimetabolites aitd ... - ACS Publications

alkylating agents halve receiitly shown promise as aiiti- caiiccr agents in prelimiiiary studies. For example, 0-. (c.yariomethy1thio)puriiie exhibite...
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Cyano Analogs of Phenolic Nitrogen \Iustards'

('yaiio derivatives of tmth antimetabolites aitd alkylating agents halve receiitly shown promise as aiiticaiiccr agents in prelimiiiary studies. For example, 0(c.yariomethy1thio)puriiie exhibited marked iiihibitioti of ;Ideiiocarcinonia 7 S 3 iii tiiic.e, and p - [bis(2-ehloinct hyl) ]an~iiioh~iizylideilemaloii~~i~it rile and related coinpounds were active aqainst Duiiniiio; leukemia4 in rats. Iii additioii, a sei ics of hicyclic iiitrilesand related COIN(1) Supported in p a r t h y Researrh G r a n t CY-5211 from the Sationai Cancer Institute of the Public Health Serrire. f ? i A u t h o r t o a h o m inquiries should be addressed, Departinent of Ctietw i q t r s . -4rizona S t a t e University, Tenipe, .4riz. (3) T. P. Johnston, 1,. Ii. Holum, and 3. A. Ilontgonlery. .I. .Am. C h p m . ,