YAMATO SCIENTIFIC C0.,LTD. - Analytical Chemistry (ACS

May 24, 2012 - YAMATO SCIENTIFIC C0.,LTD. Anal. Chem. , 1973, 45 (13), pp 1056A–1056A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60335a705. Publication Date: November 1973...
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Yamato Determination of A l u m i n u m in T e c h n e t i u m - 9 9 m G e n e r a t o r Eluants by Neutron Activation Analysis. M. A. Kay, D. H. Gray, and J. R. Vogt 2261



Characteristics of Interrupted Elution G a s C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . J. Q. Walker and C. J. Wolf 2263






Excellent sintered plate! It Is strong chemically and physically. This is easy to handle, much more useful than any ones ever known. This is really reusable for dozens of time.

Differential Kinetic Analysis of Nitric O x i d e - N i t r o g e n Dioxide Mixtures by Reaction with I r o n ( l l ) in Sulfolane as a Solvent. J. F. Coetzee, D. R. Balya, and P. K. Chattopadhyay 2266

This can be used without cares for diffusion of Silicagel in RI substances. This is also useful in radioautographical operations. Sintered plate (REPLATE-26) 26X76X1.5mm 1 0 0 p c a , 1pkg. Sintered plate ( REPLATE-50) 5 0 X 2 0 0 X 1 . 5mm 50pc& , 1 pkg. Sintered plate (PEPLATE-100) 1 0 0 X 2 0 0 X 1 . 5mm 5 0 p c s . / 1 p k g . (Descriptive pamphlet and sample available. )

YAMATO SCIENTIFIC C0.,LTD. 9, 2-chome, Nihonbashi Honcho, Chuo-ku, Tokyo, J apan Cable Address : "YAMATO" TOKYO Telex : 0222-3910 YAMATO J Tel. : TOKYO (279)0911

Identification and Determination of Sulfur Trioxide in Sulfur Dioxide by R a m a n Spectrometry. P. A. Skotnicki, A. G. Hopkins, and C. W. Brown 2291

Correspondence Fast Analytical Procedure for the Separation and Determination of the Polythionates Found in W a c k e n r o d e r ' s Solution by High S p e e d Liquid C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . J. N. Chapman and H. R. Beard 2268 Quantitative Chromatographic Determination of Maleic Hydrazide in Cigarette S m o k e . Yu-Ying Liu and Dietrich Hoffmann 2270

Especially This is useful for identification of antibiotic agent by means of bioautography. Furthermore, this is applicable for several kinds of fungi by means of a chromatogram. Separation is also good.

Hanging M e r c u r y Drop Electrodeposition Technique for Carbon Filament F l a m e l e s s A t o m i c Absorption Analysis. Application to the Determination of Copper in S e a W a t e r . Charles Fairless and A. J. Bard 2289

Analytical and Preparative C h r o m a t o g r a p h y of H e m i n s on Polyamide M e d i a . D. W. Lamson, F. W. Coulson, and Takashi Yonetani Double Pulse Coulostatics. P. H. Daum

A. 2273


Determination of D i m e r Content of Corn Oil by M e a n s of G e l P e r m e a t i o n C h r o m a t o g r a p h y . W. P. Ferren and W. E. Seery 2278 Dynamically C o a t e d PLOT C o l u m n s . J. G. Nikelly 2280 Potentiometric Determination of Sulfur Dioxide in Flue G a s e s with a n Ion Selective Lead Electrode. Marilou Young, J. N. Driscoll, and Kimball Mahoney 2283 Determination of Hydronium Concentration in Cation E x c h a n g e Resin in the P r e s e n c e of C h r o m i u m ( l l l ) I o n . R. J. Baltisberger and C. M. Melsa 2285 Use of N a r r o w - B o r e Columns in Amino Acid Analysis. Ta-Hsiu Liao, G. W. Robinson, and Johann Salnikow 2286


Generalization of the Semioperator A p p r o a c h for E l e c t r o c h e m i c a l Problems Involving Diffusion. R. L Birke 2292 C o m m e n t s on "Electron Probe Microdetermination of C a r b o n in Ferrous Alloys." G. L. Fisher and G. D. Farningham 2294

Aids for Analytical Chemists

Rapid Dissolution Technique for Lead Alloys. Harry F. Bell 2296 Molecular Weight Index of the M e r c k Index For M a s s Spectrometry. Tung Sun, D. J. Redder, and H. M. Fales 2297 Rapid M e t h o d for Indirect Analysis of d and C 5 A l u m i n u m and Zinc Alkyls. B. J. Philipp, W. L. Mudry, and S. C. Watson 2298 Simple D e v i c e for Preparing Ethereal D i a z o m e t h a n e without Resorting to Codistillation. H. M. Fales, T. M. Jaouni, and J. F. Babashak


Gas Chromatographic Injection Port for Corrosive Liquids and G a s e s . Donald Fielder and D. L. Williams 2304 Correction. Author June.

