May 17, 2012 - YELLOW SPRINGS INSTRUMENT CO., INC. Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33 (2), pp 94A–94A. DOI: 10.1021/ac60170a808. Publication Date: February ...
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GENERAL ELECTRIC C O . X - R a y Department 4 8 5 5 Electric A v e . Milwaukee I , Wis.

dual channel laboratory

recorder only

Exhibiting: X-ray emission spectrometers for chemical analysis including: Heinrich miniature probe for small spot analysis. New No. 3 S. P. G. X-ray detector in­ cluding improved scaler, linear, and loga­ rithmic rate meter, long range non-over­ loading pulse amplifier and pulse height selector, preamplifiers for proportional and scintillation counters, and a well regulated power supply. G O W - M A C INSTRUMENT C O . 100 Kings Rd. M a d i s o n , N . J.

Exhibiting: Hot wire filaments including new Teflon-clad tungsten for halogen, detectors for VPC including gas density detector for high temperature, micro cell for capillary and 1/8" packed col­ umns; temperature controlled cells; power supplies.


THE EMIL GREINER C O . 2 0 - 2 6 North Moore St. N . Y . 1 3 , Ν . Υ.

Exhibiting: Glove boxes, manostats, standard taper clamps, new McLeod gauge, Cartesian manometer, Chromerge, Aquet, new Pipettor, microtitrator, cir­ culating bath. HARSHAW SCIENTIFIC D i v . of the Harshaw Chemical Co. 1945 East 971 h St. Cleveland 6, Ohio

Model 81



• 2 independent input cnannels which simultaneously record full scale. • R e c o r d e r charts channels 1 and 2 alternately at 1 second intervals. • T r a c e identification eliminates con­ fusion w h e n traces cross. • Calibrated volt and a m p e r e ranges for each channel: 10 mv. 1 /ta. 0.1 v. 10 μα. 1 v. 0.1 ma. 10 v. 1 ma. 100 v. 10 ma. • Continuously variable adjustment be­ tween ranges. • C h a r t speeds of 2 in./hr. and 30 in./hr. Optional speeds of 4, 6, 12, 20, 24 and 60 in./hr. provided by a simple gear change. • Weighs only 14 lbs. 9Vi" χ 5Vi" χ 7". Get c o m p l e t e specifications f r o m y o u r Y S I dealer or write:



Circle No. 172 on Readers' Service Card 94 A



Exhibiting: Recording spectrophotometers, analytical balances, electro thermal melt­ ing point apparatus, YSI recorder, vac­ uum pumps, p H meters, hot plates, Cole­ man nitrogen analyzer, ion exchange resins, laboratory furniture, and other new equipment for the analytical laboratory. HUNTER ASSOCIATES LABORATORY, INC. 5421 Breir Ridge Rd. McLean, V a .

Exhibiting: New distinctness-of-image glossmeter to measure mirror quality of high-gloss surfaces of paint, plastics, and paper; Hunterlab D25 color and color difference meter with direct-reading color difference computer attachment. 1)40 reflectometer for whiteness, reflectance, yellowness, opacity, and optical brightener evaluation. D16 multipurpose glossmeter for accurate gloss measurements at 20°, 45°, 60°, and 75° conforming to ASTM and T A P P I methods. THE HYPREN C O . 2 2 2 1 Fifth A v e . Pittsburgh 19, Pa.

Exhibiting: Kromo-Tog, Model K-7 featuring thermionic emission ionization detection and flame ionization detection for chromatographic analvsis; Kromo-Tog Model K-2; Stanton Ultramatic UM3 single pan balance: Burrell-Severs ex­ trusion rheometer, Model A-120. Equip­ ment will be set up and operating. JARRELL-ASH C O . 2 6 Farwell St. Newtonville 6 0 , M a s s .

Exhibiting: Ebert convertible spectrograph, compact Atomcounter, direct reader,

recording comparator microphotometer, concentrational computer, modular and capillary chromatographs, chromato­ graphic accessories, fiuorometers, dis­ solved oxygen analyzer, microfocus x-ray unit, assortment of x-ray cameras and accessories. KIMBLE GLASS C O . P. O . Box 1035 Toledo 1 , Ohio

Exhibiting: Expanding line of laboratory glassware having stopcocks with Teflon plugs, square volumetric flasks, and Kimax boiling flasks; clinical apparatus will include Kimax pipets, centrifuge tubes (standard and heavy duty), and culture and test tubes. LABLINE, INC. 3 0 7 0 - 8 2 West Grand A v e . Chicago 2 2 , III.

Exhibiting: Lourdes Versa-Fuge, a versatile bench-type centrifuge combining the func­ tions of continuous flow separation and preparative t3'pe separation, lightweight and portable; the Model 61 general purpose shaking bath for all lab conditions requiring controlled shaking and constant temperatures; Com-Pac Cab, an en­ vironmental cabinet with temperature range of - 1 2 0 ° F. to - 1 0 0 0 ° F., a versa­ tile test cabinet in 2 cu. ft. and 5 cu. ft. capacities. LABORATORY EQUIPMENT CORP. Hilltop Rd. St. Joseph, M i c h .

Exhibiting: New automatic vacuum fusion analyzer for determination of hydrogen, oxygen, and nitrogen, compact bench top instrument for highly accurate and com­ pletely automatic analyses of metal samples; Leco high frequency induction furnace with automatic carbon determinator and automatic sulfur titrator; new standard samples for calibration and standardization of carbon and oxygen analysis equipment. ARTHUR S. LA PINE & CO. 6 0 0 1 South Knox A v e . Chicago 2 9 , III.

Exhibiting: Holsi microchemical apparatus, LaPine clamps, Leybold atom models, Leybold lattice models, Leybold vacuum pumps, Calm recording electrobalance, Collectochrom, spectrophotometer DB & DK2, gas chromatograph, clinical pipetter and other A. S. LaPine specialties. E. LEITZ, INC. 4 6 8 Park A v e . South N . Y. 16, Ν . Υ.

Exhibiting: Infrared spectrograph, Ortholux research microscope, Aristophot I I I photomicrographic camera with Polaroid 4" χ 5" film holder, Panphot research photomicrographie microscope, Metallux phase microscope. KURT J. LESKER C O . A M E R I C A N BALANCE CORP. 4535 Veman Ave. Pittsburgh 2 7 , Pa.

Exhibiting: Hallikainen's flame ionization gas chromatograph, industrial instru­ ments, electrolyte, conductivity apparatus, and gas analysis instruments. Also Quik-Chex single pan deflection balance,