hard-to-find data that will be wel- comed by the x-ray specialist. The emphasis of ... 02141. 417. Temperature Programmer. Model No. 3600 is designed ...
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modular gas chromatographs, is de­ signed about a central principle of truly modular construction. All models in the series contain the capability of conversion to other models. Unique new features which provide greater operational flexibility include the use from 1 to 4 simul­ taneous dual injectors, 1 to 4 simul­ taneous dual columns, a completely linear system of temperature pro­ gramming, isothermal program con­ trollers, and an extremely sensitive stable thermal conductivity detector. The Bendix Corp., Process Instru­ ments Division, Ronceverte, W. Va. 24970 416

Model TC-500 is for the determina­ tion of thermal conductivity of plastics, rubber, metals, intermetallics, and ce­ ramics. Accuracy is ± 3 % from 75° to 500° F. The TC-500 is a compara­ tive instrument in which a 2%-inch square sample is sandwiched between two geometrically identical 2V2-mch square standards of known thermal conductivity. A thermal flux is im­ posed on the stack and the temperature gradient ratio is used to obtain the rela­ tive thermal conductivity of the un­ known. Sample thickness is usually % inch. Thermo-Physics Corp., 17 Webster Ave., Cambridge, Mass. 02141 417

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Model No. 3600 is designed to con­ trol the furnace in the Cahn vacuum electrobalance system. It can be used on thermogravimetric analysis, adsorp­ tion studies, surface chemistry studies, and on laboratory furnaces up to a minimum of 400 W. There are six standard heating rates, approximately 2°, 4°, 6°, 8°, 10°, and 14° C per min­ ute. The instrument is an open loop device, unaffected by incidental ther­ mal changes in or near the sample. The program can be set for any rate and for any maximum temperature. It can also be set either to switch off or to hold at the maximum, and thus may be used for isothermal operation. Cahn Instrument Co., 7500 Jefferson St., Paramount, Calif. 90723 418

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