Both offer fast, linear response- even in highly acid ... less-steel caps provide sure, strong clamping. What's the difference, then ... lab assistant...
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No sacrifice in response or efficiency. Choose a Sargent combination pH electrode by size alone.

Both of these Sargent combination pH electrodes cover the entire pH range from 0 to 14 pH. Both offer fast, linear r e s p o n s e even in highly acid solutions. Response to alkali ions is insignificant below pH 12.5 (at higher pH, response is low and stable). Both electrodes achieve high efficiency, with a millivolt/pH response close to the Nernst coefficient. And you get this kind of performance over a range of 0 to 80°C. These electrodes also feature all-glass, shock-resistant construction. No rubber or plastic to contaminate samples. No pockets to trap solutions or hamper cleaning. Stainless-steel caps provide sure, strong clamping. What's the difference, then, between these two combination pH electrodes? Size alone. For samples as small as Vz ml or those in extremely confined volumes, choose the miniature electrode (priced at $40.00). Otherwise, your best choice is the standardsize ($38.00). Both come with connecting cable and plugs to fit all popular pH meters. Call your Sargent man or write to us for a closer look at these combination pH electrodes or for data on our complete line of glass and reference electrodes.

SARGENT' Scientific laboratory instruments, apparatus, chemicals. E. H. Sargent & Co. 4647 Foster Ave., Chicago, III. 60630

Chicago/Anaheim, Cal if./ Birmingham Cincinnati/Cleveland/Dallas/Denver Detroit/Springfield, N.J./Toronto, Canada

Circle No. 91 on Readers' Service Card 134 A



meet your new oxygen uptake lab assistant

Here's an oxygen monitoring system so easy to use it's the perfect tool for lab or classroom instruction in the mechanics of oxygen uptake and evolution. The new YSI Model 55 Oxygen Monitor provides c o n t i n u o u s r e a d i n g s for qualitative scanning and monitoring of curve shape changes. Data is available in seconds after insertion of materials. Temperature range is 20 to 40 °C. Use it with or without a 100 mv recorder. The Model 55 is also suitable for semi-quantitative analysis where the precision of the YSI Model 53 Biological Oxygen Monitor is not required. ' If you're interested in oxygen curves, take a look at this $485 lab assistant. YELLOW SPRINGS INSTRUMENT CO. YELLOW SPRINGS, OHIO 45387 Circle No. 181 on Readers' Service Card