You can judge some brooks by their covers! For others you need Technicon's totally automated system for water quality analysis. The Technicon^CSM^fe water analysis system will determine the concentrations of six important pollution parameters (to be selected by the user) in rivers, lakes, drinking water, or water-treatment plants. A mobile CSM 6 system set up on site will perform six analyses simultaneously on a continuous basis for a period of hours, or for as long as one week, virtually without
human attention. The CSM 6 Laboratory Model is designed to perform analyses of individual samples in the lab. Techniques employed in the CSM 6 automated analysis system are based on "Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater," accepted internationally. The system's range of sensitivity is variable, permitting detection of pollutants in terms as low as parts per billion. To get below the surface with your water quality analysis, let Technicon's CSM 6 system do your brook reviewing. |==|| llllll llllll HUH
Department 64 Technicon Corporation Environmental Science Division Tarrytown, New York 10591