You Get a Fast Start in a Wide Range of Organic Reactions with

Nov 5, 2010 - You Get a Fast Start in a Wide Range of Organic Reactions with Albone. Chem. ... 1956, 34 (46), p 5549. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v034n046.p5549...
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You Get a Fast Start in a Wide Range of Organic Reactions with

Albone hydrogen peroxide

When properly activated, "Albone"" hydrogen peroxide is a highly effective oxidizing agent for organic synthesis. Here are a few examples of the possible uses for Du Pont hydrogen peroxide in organic reactions:


Tlie epoxidation reaction has simplified the conversion of fatty oils and derivatives into useful and profitable products.

Peracid Formation.

When hydrogen peroxide is activated by forming a peracid, its reactions are often faster—yields are often higher.

RCOOMftft»kCO*H Detailed information on preformation of peracetic acid is available from Du Pont.


Olefins are converted to glycols by hydrogen peroxide although epoxides and derivatives may b e formed first in the reactions.

Epoxides are useful as plasticizers, stabilizers, insecticides and drugs . . . have many possibilities as lubricants, coating constituents and chemical intermediates. Du Pont lias developed several efficient procedures for epoxidation. Complete information o n these procedures is readily obtained in a booklet available from Du Pont.

Sulfur Oxidation, Quinone Formation and

Ketone Cleavage

are other examples of propitious use of hydrogen peroxide in organic syntheses.

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Long-chain glycols and derivatives have value as plasticizers and modifiers in coatings, rubber, plastics and emulsifiers.


Hydrogen peroxide, usually employed in emulsion techniques, initiates the polymerization of a variety of unsaturated monomers.

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The polymers formed have been useful as rubber substitutes, adhesives, plastics and coatings. N i t r o g e n O x i d a t i o n . Tertiary amines are oxidized smoothly to nitrogen oxides in the following reaction :

Certain sulfur oxidation products have shown antimicrobial activity. Suggested uses for the products of sulfur oxidation h a v e included fungicides, insecticides and r u b b e r accelerators. Du Pont's long experience in the manufacture and use of "Albone" can help you in developing potential applications for Hydrogen Peroxide. Call or write: E. I. du Pont de Nemours & Co. (Inc.), Electrochemicals Department, Wilmington 9S, Delaware.



HYDROGEN PEROXIDE Prompt D e l i v e r y in Drums a n d Tank Cars

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Better Things for Better Living . . . through Chemistry

N-oxides are useful as therapeutic agents. NOV.
