You get BOTH in all 6 of SOLVAY CAUSTIC POTASH - C&EN Global

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You get BOTH in all 6 forms of

SOLVAY CAUSTIC POTASH Wher* you staijt-witha-'more [reactive toat€nal#|ikei Mail the coupon for samples arid-new SblvajySoibva^^aiistic Ipotashl you jusualty get J>etter Ire-! pTechnicai Biilleiin.e*ainjm^ I suits. Many I users prefer it to caustic soda Because i t b* iaerrams for =ar>Dlvins: caustic potash. ! I enables therp to piodtice more Isoluble réaction priod-j :uc$s ândïêss viscous solutions. : i ; i i i i i SOLVAY PROCESS DIVISION » 4?ΌΕ example,! its mgii $olubn>ty permits liquid end. ALLIED C H E M I C A L C O R P O R A T I O N products havingliigh soap concentration; Majny heavy -j 0 1 Broadvfay. N e w Y o r k 6/ Ν . Υ. iiid-&etergèhts woulçi not-exist were; it hot fori Please send m e without cost: ^ingrédientsJlerived fromlcaùstic potash.)- ι 1 j i Samples of Technical Grade Caustic Potash | :Jtts„m^iJt^a(^ àlsoi useful iri. mercaptaii...|ex-t G Flake • Small Flake D Solid D Ground Π Liquid, 45% strength I traction and desulfuijization of petroleum^ jprciductsi Π Liquid, 49-50% strength [Caustic potash! solutionis effectively j absorjb carbon! Samples of Mercury Cell Caustic Potash idicj^del^tff ^ ^ iiFinjSùqtô Î>ryj D Flake • Liquid, 4 5 % strength Ifortas k r e h i g ^ ^ iieliydration.! • N e w Technical Bulletin 15, Caustic Potash • —· . •


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