You may be surprised by a Sudden Job Change. - C&EN Global

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You may be surprised by a

Sudden Job Change. But at least you can take your life insurance with you.

Get ACS term life, the group policy that goes where you go. With today's corporate downsizing, you can't be sure your job will be there next year or next month. Or you may simply decide to make a career move and go elsewhere. Either way, if you're getting life insurance through your employer, it puts that important protection in jeopardy. Fortunately there's an easy way to make sure all the money your family needs will be there if you aren't: ACS Term Life Insurance. It gives you up to $800,000 of coverage in addition to any insurance you may already have. Another reason to buy ACS Term Life: we've harnessed the combined buying power of our members to secure low group rates, the kind you may not be able to get on your own. Keep in mind, term life is different from whole life and usually much less expensive, because you only pay for the protection you need. Also, ACS Term Life includes

a generous living benefits option that lets you collect up to 75% of benefits in case of terminal illness. Most other policies limit such a benefit to 25%. The bottom line: ACS Term Life is a good value, and so dependable that it goes with you even if you're between jobs. That's why you may want to buy all your life insurance through

ACS. Especially since it's underwritten by CIGNA, one of America's largest insurers. If you wait until you need life insurance, it'll be too late. Act now to get more information. Send the coupon by mail or fax, use E-mail, or call us. Because even when your job changes, your need for life insurance doesn't. 99024

l / e s . I want to make sure my life insurance doesn't Ύ depend on my job. Tell me more about ACS Term Life. Name and Title Company Address City, State, Zip Phone


A l s o s e n d m e information on: • Hospital Indemnity Insurance • Disability I n c o m e I n s u r a n c e • Accidental Death and Dismemberment Insurance • Supplemental Retirement Program Four w a y s to respond: Mail: M e m b e r I n s u r a n c e Office, A m e r i c a n C h e m i c a l Society, 1155 16th Street, NW, W a s h i n g t o n , DC 2 0 0 3 6 Fax: (202) 8 7 2 - 4 4 3 5 E-mail: m e m i n s @ a c s . o r g Phone: (202) 4 5 2 - 8 9 1 1 or (202) 8 7 2 - 6 0 3 7


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