You need only two column packings

You need only two column packings for 85% of your HPLC separations. These two. We ve packaged a Partisiltm-10. ODS-2 reversed-phase column and a...
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\ o u need only two column packings for 85% of your HPLC separations. These two. We've packaged a Partisil,m-10 ODS-2 reversed-phase column and a Partisil-10 PAC polar phase column in a convenient kit. With this kit we esti­ mate that 85% or all but certain exotic separations can be done. And done superlatively well.

Both columns can be supplied with end fittings suitable for any liquid chromatograph (please specify LC type when ordering). Both are pre­ packed and pretested. These pack­ ings are v i r t u a l l y free of s o l v e n t "memory." The new kit includes one

Partisil-10 ODS-2 and one Partisil-10 PAC column in a mahogany box. WHATMAN INC. • 9 Bridewell Place Clifton, New Jersey 07014 (201) 777-4825 Call Toll-Free 8 0 0 - 6 3 1 - 7 2 9 0



Peaks— a. Gallic Acid b. Protocatechnic Acid c. p-Hydroxybenzoic Acid d. p-Coumaric Acid β. Felluric Acid f. o-Coumaric Acid g. trans-Cinnamic Acid


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Has a Ci8 phase permanently bonded to 10 μ,ιη Partisil. Resolution and re­ producibility are excellent for nonpolar (and many polar) compounds. Guaranteed efficiency minimum 16,000 plates/meter; 4,000 plates/25 cm column. CIRCLE 2 3 8


P r o v i d e s u n i q u e s e l e c t i v i t y via a cyano-type polar phase Si-O-Si bonded to 10 μ-m Partisil. Guaranteed efficiency minimum 15,000 plates/ meter; 3,750 plates/25 cm column.