Your Du Pont Reagents Distributor makes a big point of safety. - C&EN

Nov 7, 2010 - Your Du Pont Reagents Distributor makes a big point of safety. Chem. Eng. News , 1970, 48 (19), p 28. DOI: 10.1021/cen-v048n019.p028. Pu...
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Your Du Pont Reagents Distributor makes a big point of safety. Every time you get Du Pont Rea­ gents, you get an extra measure of safety. Du Pont pioneered color-coded caps and labels, dripless sleeves, safety-grip handles on 5-pint bot­ tles, and a safety-engineered bottle. And now one-way carboys simplify handling and help prevent break­ age. Along with handling safety, the Du Pont Reagents Distributor also offers product purity. Before a rea­ gent leaves the plant, it gets 23 tests, so that it meets or exceeds

ACS standards. And, of course, the Du Pont Rea­ gents Distributor is ready to de­ liver your order in any size, any time. That goes for 160 like him across the country. Get a token demonstration of this service. Ask your Du Pont Reagents Distributor for a copy of our Labo­ ratory Handbook, filled with useful tables, standard solutions, safety tips, and other helpful information. He'll also throw in a giant pop poster like the one above. Just ask him or return the coupon.

Du Pont Company Room 7624B Wilmington, Delaware 19898 Send me D Du Pont Reagents information D prices Π pop poster Name. Title_ Firm_ Address. City_ State_

You can depend on Du Pont Reagents — for Quality, Service, and Safety Features NITRIC ACID AMMONIUM HYDROXIDE HYDROCHLORIC ACID SULFURIC ACID GLACIAL ACETIC ACID FORMIC ACID 90°/o 28 C&EN

