Your pick of catalyst supports CARBORUNDUM

processes. These absorb internally and expose the cat- alyst continually, in spite of attrition. ... It contains 16 big vials, each holding over 80 cc...
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Many Compositions.. .Three Degrees of Porosity... Symmetrical or Poly-Surface Shaped Pellets

Your p i c k of catalyst s u p p o r t s All told, there arc over two dozen types of materials made by CARBORUNDUM. These include: ceramic bonded poly-surface, spheroidal, and cylindrical porous pellets . . . and solid, homogeneous aluminum oxide, silicon carbide and mullite grain. These constitute the greatest variety of supports in the field — and other types can be custom-made for special needs. The irregularly shaped poly-surface pellets provide low pressure loss and lowest density. And small, individually porous granules are available for fluidized processes. These absorb internally and expose the catalyst continually, in spite of attrition. Both the poly-surface and symmetrical pellets are refractory and resistant to most acids. Porosity ranges

from 209" to 609'; water absorption from 8% to 60% by weight. Bulk densities range from 30 to 92 pounds per cubic foot.

COMPLETE TEST KIT MAKES YOUR CHOICE EASY For only $15, CARBORUNDUM will send you this lab-size test kit. It contains 16 big vials, each holding over 80 cc. of representative samples, plus complete product literature —all packed in an attractive, durable storage case. Send your order to Dept. Y-39, Refractories Div., The Carborundum Company, Perth Amboy, New Jersey.

CARBORUNDUM Registered Trade Mark Circle No. 12 on Readers' Service Card 108 A