Your Workbook - Industrial & Engineering Chemistry (ACS Publications)

May 18, 2012 - Your Workbook. Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1958, 50 (4), pp 54A–54A. DOI: 10.1021/i650580a747. Publication Date: April 1958. Copyright © 1958 ...
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Your Workbook A variety of subjects f o r every-day needs in plant or lab. What is your particular interest? Clip and file the information you may need at your fingertips tomorrow. Pages are perforated for your convenience.

COSTS H. Carl Bauman, American C y a n a m i d Co.

Ever think of using the Dewey decimal system in cost estimating? M a y b e not. But Cyanamid's Bauman shows how cost information can be coded and subjected to statistical sampling techniques to give accurate cost estimates


55 A


A Staff Feature

Spent much time lately tediously calculating design of flange connections for unfired vessels? Those hours or days can now be reduced to a f e w simple graphs, requiring only essential design information and a new manual

59 A

INSTRUMENTATION R. F. W a l l , Monsanto Chemical Co.

The case for instrumentation at the bench level and in the pilot plant may be stronger than you now think!

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CORROSION A. A. Brouwer, The Dow Chemical Co.

If you have t o live with the problem o f bimetallic combinations, this month's column gives you know-how on how to limit the effects of galvanic corrosion

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STATISTICAL DESIGN W . J. Youden, N a t i o n a l Bureau of Standards

Beauty is only skin d e e p ; and a test method is only as g o o d as its reproducibility. Youden shows how statistical design can be a p p l i e d to d e veloping testing procedures with built-in accuracy 81A

INDUSTRIAL WASTES E d w a r d W . M o o r e , H a r v a r d University

M a y b e you don't realize it, but streams get hot. The reason: cooling water d r a w n from the streams is later dumped back at a higher temperature. Here are some treatment devices 5 4 A INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY

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