Yours free. A complete library on how to use aluminum alkyls in

Nov 7, 2010 - Yours free. A complete library on how to use aluminum alkyls in organic synthesis. Chem. Eng. News , 1970, 48 (20), p 1...
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ISrnrs free. A complete library on how to use aluminum alkyls in organic synthesis.

The library. . « $ ^ Α Λ > *%&$%&.'& „_ i

A laboratory curiosity just 20 brief years ago, aluminum alkyls today are used in multi-million pound quantities each year. Ethyl, the world's largest producer of these compounds, now brings you, in white paper form, the first and only up-to-date treatise on the applications of organoaluminum compounds in the syntheses of organic compounds. Emphasis in the 80-page book is on the organic synthetic methods and reactions which have existing or potential usefulness in the laboratory or plant. Especially in the pharmaceutical,

fragrance, agricultural and organic specialty fields. As we're the leading supplier of aluminum alkyls, it has always been our policy to share our knowledge. So we invite you to write on your letterhead for your free copy of "The Use of Aluminum Alkyls in Organic Chemistry."

Ethyl Corporation unm Industrial Chemicals Division ETHYL TOWER, 451 FLORIDA. BATON ROUGE, LOUISIANA 70801